Chapter 23

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The carriage shakes abruptly and the loud noise of the wheels on cobblestone wakes Asher out of a deep sleep

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The carriage shakes abruptly and the loud noise of the wheels on cobblestone wakes Asher out of a deep sleep. He jolts into a seated position. "What the hell was that?"

"By the sounds of it, it sounds like we're in Brinon Your Highness," responds Ademar as he stretches and yawns.

Asher pulls one of the curtains to the side to get a peek but is instantly blinded. Once his eyes have had time to adjust to the sunlight, Kings Cove is in full view. Thousands of fishing boats of every size pepper the bright bluish green water. As they enter the South Bridge that leads to Brinon Isle, guards kneel to show respect. His heart begins to race as excitement swells inside him, but it quickly calms as he remembers why he has come home early. Merchant shops line the main road and people clamor about, buying and selling goods like any normal day, when they enter the capital city of Brinonberg. The noise grows calm and everyone stops what they were doing when they notice the Royal convoy approaching. Everyone crowds the edges of the road and the silence ceases as cheers and chants of long live the king erupts.

"You hear that out there? Those are your people now," declares Ademar.

Asher grins even though he's a bit terrified of that responsibility. The cheers get even louder the deeper they get into the city. They finally start to fade a bit once they enter the palace grounds. The carriage comes to a halt and he hears orders being yelled out. A guardsman opens the door and Asher steps out.

"Thank you," Asher acknowledges the guardsman. He gives a wave as people at the front gate push and shove the palace guard to get a glimpse of him, while chanting long live the king. He turns to see his Uncle Navar coming down the steps.

"Uncle!" shouts Asher as Navar approaches.

Navar hugs Asher and then bows. "Your Highness, it's good to have you home."

"It's good to be home."

Ademar rounds the carriage and Navar nods to him. "Chancellor."

They shake hands.

"I imagine you two would like to relieve yourselves after your long journey. Once you're done, food is already prepared, I'll have it taken to your council chamber," reveals Navar.

"Thank you," responds Asher as they enter the palace. Asher slowly makes his way to his room while noticing little things in the castle he's never noticed before. Being away for so long has made him instantly aware of the small details. As he enters his room, it looks fairly bare now that all of his personal belongings have been moved to the King's chamber. He feels an emptiness inside, much like his room, now that so many things have changed.

"I missed being home, but it's strange being back here now." He thinks to himself.

The rumbling in his stomach seems to echo throughout the room.

"Damn, I need some food." He says aloud even though no one else is in the room.

Guardsmen follow him as he heads down the hall to his council chamber. Ademar approaches from the other direction with a bottle of wine in hand.

"Is it strange that I feel out of place in my own house?" Announces Asher.

"I figured you could use this." Ademar states, motioning to the wine.

"You're a good man to have around." Grins Asher as he grabs to outstretched bottle.

"So I've been told." Chuckles Ademar.

They enter the council chamber as servants place a large amount of food on the large table in the center of the room. Lord Crispin, the Chancellor of the Military, and Navar stop mid conversation as Asher enters the room.

"It's good to see you Your Highness." Proclaims Crispin with a bow.

"You as well Lord Crispin."

Asher shakes his hand before sitting at the head of the table. Once he is seated, the others sit as well. All is quiet for a few minutes as Asher shoves food in his mouth without any remorse for focusing all of his attention on his food. They start to look around the table, wondering who will speak first until Navar finally breaks the silence.

"I took the liberty of preparing everything for the funeral Your Highness."

"Thank you Uncle. I appreciate you stepping in to handle matters here in the capital."

"As Chief Minister to the Queen, I had hoped that I could continue to serve on your council as well."

"Of course. Everyone will stay in their current positions. At some point though, we do need to discuss who will be the next Chancellor of Training. I'm not sure why my mother didn't choose a successor when Lord Hagan was killed, but eighteen years of Lord Ademar and Crispin filling in at the School of Sorcery and the Academy is a bit ridiculous. Times are rough in Taraquin and I'm going to need them for other things. It's about time we fill that position with someone competent and trustworthy. Once things have settled down, I would like some suggestions."

"Yes Your Highness." They answer in unison.

"Have we figured out anything in regard to the treasonous bastards who poisoned my mother?" Asks Asher looking at Navar.

"No Sire, we have not." Answers Navar afraid of the coming response.

"Unacceptable!" Asher slams his fist on the table. "I want them found and executed, after an overwhelming amount of torture. I want you to question everybody. Somebody knows something and I want answers now!"

"Yes Your Highness." Responds Navar.

Asher stands up and walks out of the room as the council struggles to stand up quickly.

"He's not taking it out on you Navar. He's just upset and needs some clarification." Insists Ademar.

"I know. I just wish I knew something, anything at all." Implores Navar.

Asher walks the halls and the Palace grounds for hours while wondering what to do next. He feels lost and unsure how to fix things.

"I wish my friends were here. At least they could help take my mind off things."

After realizing he's seen each hall at least three times and his Guardsmen are still behind him, he decides to give them a break and heads to his new room. He instantly notices how different his parent's room looks as he enters. Even though his stuff decorates the room, it doesn't feel like his. A neatly prepared tray of food sits on his extravagant nightstand, but he doesn't feel in the mood to eat. The setting sun shines orange through the open balcony and he stares as it fully sets making him feel lonely for the first time in his life. He crawls onto his mothers old bed, and while thinking of her, he drifts off to sleep.

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