Chapter 34

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Isabel stares coldly at Lady Marie as she walks away

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Isabel stares coldly at Lady Marie as she walks away. Rage flares inside her as she watches Baschera gawk as Marie walks down the hall. Baschera turns to catch a cold glimpse, which he finds a bit amusing but worrisome in the same instance.

"Do you mind if I catch up with you later for dinner?" Asher asks Isabel.

"That's fine. I'll see you then." Responds Isabel quickly as she heads in the opposite direction of Marie.

"So, how are things going between you and Isabel?" Questions Baschera.

"Well, she's a little distant and hard to talk to. My attempts so far have fallen flat. It's strange that she accepted my proposal but doesn't seem too interested in me." Explains Asher.

"Well maybe she's just shy, or it could be that she just said yes because she wanted to be queen." Adds Baschera with a laugh. "Women are abnormal! They don't make sense most of the time."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I've never seen her have a problem talking to anyone else. So maybe she just wanted the title and doesn't really like me." Complains Asher as they walk toward his room.

"It's hard to say for sure though. I didn't even know you liked her. Why didn't you just wait until there was a connection between you and her or with someone else?" Asks Baschera.

They enter Asher's room. Asher sits at his dining table as Baschera takes a seat on the large wooden bench at the foot of Asher's bed.

"I've liked her for a long time and I guess I just figured that I needed to do something before she became involved with someone else. Now I'm wondering if I made the right choice or not. I just wish I knew what to do." Pleads Asher.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it man. She said she'd marry you, so you're good to go. Now you're King, so you can do whatever you want. Get married and put some kids in her. If she still doesn't show that she likes you by then, get one or two women on the side that will give you what you're looking for." Proposes Baschera.

"That's not what I'm looking for though. I chose her because I thought she was the one to give me everything I want in a woman." Agonizes Asher.

"Stop being so damn sensitive. You're acting like an emotional woman." Demands Baschera.

"I'm being serious here damn it." Scolds Asher.

"Look, It's just going to take some time. I mean, look at my situation. Fallon is currently pissed off at me but things will more than likely work out. If not, I'll figure something out when the time comes and find someone else. Until then, I'm just going to do whatever, or whoever I should say, and have fun. There's no reason to get bent out of shape over it." Reveals Baschera with a smirk.

"You forget that I'm the King. I can't just pick another woman if things don't work out the way I want them to. I'm supposed to set the example, not be the example of what not to do." Argues Asher.

Their attention is momentarily diverted as sounds of swords smashing together are heard in the courtyard. They look over the balcony to see Lord Crispin training a group of soldiers.

"I think it's you cousin, that forgets that you're the King now. You don't answer to anyone. You can do whatever the hell you want. Quit acting like you need to impress someone or live up to someone's standards. You and you alone make the rules and you can change them if you feel like it. If people in the kingdom have a problem with it, execute them. That's how a King acts." Declares Baschera.

"I'm not going to go around just executing people who disagree with me. If that was the case, you'd have been hung from the gallows a long time ago." Retorts Asher finally cracking a smile.

"Oh really! Well grab a spoon cousin." Entices Baschera.

"What? Why a spoon?" Questions Asher.

"So you can eat my ass." Insists Baschera as he heads for the door.

Asher stares at him momentarily with a confused look on his face as Baschera crosses the room.

"That just doesn't even sound right. What kind of ridiculous comeback is that?" Laughs Asher as he throws his hand up. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Me? I'm not the one whining like a woman about my horrible life as a King. Man up cousin. If you'd like a lesson on how real men do things, you'll have a nice viewing from your balcony." Laughs Baschera as he exits the room and heads down the hall toward the stairs that lead down to the courtyard.

Asher sits on the balcony, feeling better about his situation even though the conversation with Baschera accomplished nothing. He watches as Baschera crosses the courtyard toward Lord Crispin.

"What would you have of me Lord Crispin?" Questions Baschera.

"Ah, Baschera. I was wondering if you were going to show up today." Counters Crispin.

"I was delayed by the insufferable whining of our King." Proclaims Baschera.

"Ah. I do not envy you in that aspect." Laughs Crispin.

"I can't imagine anyone would." Smiles Baschera.

"So I figured that today, you could give us a display. I don't recall ever seeing these skills that have given you the title as the best swordsman in the land." Mocks Crispin.

"A display? Send your best. We'll see if they can prove their worth." Proposes Baschera.

"Dorian! Grab practice swords." Yells Crispin.

The large man grabs two swords and trots over to the center of the courtyard, stopping in front of Baschera. He throws a sword on the ground near Baschera's feet. Baschera laughs.

"You send only one man to face me? I thought you wanted to see a display?" Mocks Baschera. "Send two more, and bring me another sword."

"Ezra, Galil, take your places next to Dorian!" Shouts Crispin as he grabs another wooden practice sword and practice armor.

Crispin approaches Baschera and hands him the sword.

"Here." Insists Crispin as he holds up the armor.

Baschera looks at the armor, then at Crispin.

"I won't be needing that." Boasts Baschera.

"Alright." Chuckles Crispin as he walks away even though he disagrees with his decision.

Asher stands up and moves to the rail of the balcony to get a better view. Baschera notices Asher's sudden interest and bows in a mocking manor with his swords held straight out from his sides. Baschera smiles as he swings his swords around.

"Let's dance." Baschera insists with a wink while smirking.

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