Chapter 24

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The night of the annual masquerade ball has arrived

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The night of the annual masquerade ball has arrived. Rose and Zane help Sherry put the finishing touches on the decorations as guests start to arrive. Carriages of every color, each more extravagant than the next, drop off disguised passengers in magnificent garments.

"Alright you two, it's time you finished getting yourselves ready. I can finish the rest," insists Sherry.

They agree as they head into the castle. As Zane approaches his room, Rose grabs his hand to get his attention.

"So I was wondering. Will you accompany me tonight? Like, as my date," proposes Rose.

"It would be my honor," answers Zane with large grin.

"Good. I'll meet you in the library then."

He nods unable to speak and quickly enters his room. He shouts quietly in excitement as soon as the door closes. He quickly puts on his tunic, vest and then grabs his mask in a hurry to see Lady Rose in her gown. He limps as fast as he can to the library but she hasn't arrived yet, so he sits and waits while staring at her portrait. The minutes pass before he finally hears someone enter the room. He turns to see Rose standing in the doorway.

"What do you think?" She asks.

He swallows hard, then stands and moves toward her without taking his eyes off of her in a state of shock.

"You look absolutely breathtaking. I've never seen anything more beautiful."

She blushes.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." She says with a grin.

"Shall we." He says offering his arm.

She grabs his arm and they head down the hall as he continues to stare at her.

"Quit staring at me." She demands.

"I can't help it." He concludes with a smile.

As they exit the rear entrance of the castle, they notice that hundreds have now arrived. Some are gathered around the dance floor watching those who are dancing to the music coming from the instruments of the band, others congregate in conversation, and many are already seated at the large tables eating Sherry's large variety of magnificent foods. As they reach the bottom of the stairs hand in hand, Dekker and Baschera approach.

"Rose, I didn't think it was possible, but I do believe you have outdone yourself this year." Applauds Dekker.

"Well thank you. I can't take all of the credit. Even he helped out a little." Adds Rose with a joking wink toward Zane.

"Aren't you going to introduce your date? Asks Dekker.

"Sorry, this is Zane. Zane, this is Dekker, a friend of Asher's, and Baschera, Asher's cousin."

"It's nice to meet you Lord Dekker." Zane declares extending his hand.

"Zane, as in the Rebel Slayer? Oh wow, it's truly my pleasure to meet you." Dekker responds as he grabs Zane's hand with both hands and shakes his entire arm vigorously. "I'm a big fan. I had heard the rumors of you being here but I wasn't sure if they were true. I also heard that you will be attending the Academy of Sorcery."

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