Chapter 48

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Hoof beats echo though the streets of Brinonberg as Baschera rides swiftly in search of Navar

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Hoof beats echo though the streets of Brinonberg as Baschera rides swiftly in search of Navar. His armor glistens in the sunlight as he digs his heels into his horse's side and snaps the reigns to go faster. Onlookers stare and gossip about the rumors of Isabel's disappearance as he flies past them like a blur. He briefly looks down cross streets as he passes by until he catches a glimpse of a group of Soldiers.

He quickly yanks on the reigns, bringing his horse almost to a halt before he spins his horse around. His horse takes off with a fury once its hooves gain traction on the cobblestone street. Baschera leans hard as he turns his horse down the cross street where he had seen the gathered Soldiers. Nearing the group, he eases back on the reigns to slow down as he approaches them.

His eye catches sight of Navar as his horse comes to a stop. He quickly dismounts and hands the reigns to a nearby Soldier before he advances toward Navar. Soldiers search through multiple houses in the large buildings that line each side of the street as Navar waits, fatigue wearing on him as he sits atop his horse. He slowly dismounts as Baschera approaches. "Have you found any sign of her?" asks Baschera with concern.

Navar shakes his head. "Absolutely nothing," answers Navar sounding defeated. "We've searched almost every building in Brinonberg and talked to almost every citizen, and somehow nobody saw anything.

"Damn it! Somebody had to have seen something. How does the Queen-in-waiting go missing in the middle of the day, in the middle of the largest city in Taraquin, and nobody sees anything? It just doesn't add up." Rants Baschera as his frustration grows.

"I don't get it either." Agrees Navar.

"Lord Navar!" Shouts a Soldier as he approaches them while guiding an old blind man.

Navar and Baschera avert their attention toward the approaching Soldier.

"I think we found some information. He was present during the attack when Lady Isabel was taken." Reports the Soldier.

"What information could a blind man give us that might help get our future Queen back?" Scolds Baschera as he shoots a confused look at the Soldier.

"Let him speak." Urges Navar. "What did you witness old man?"

"I was on my way to the trade district when a kind young woman approached me and offered to be my guide. I thanked her and accepted her offer. When I asked for her name, I was surprised to hear that it was our future Queen. Although, I knew she had to be somebody important because I could hear the footsteps of quite a few people traveling with her. Before we made it to the trade district, fighting erupted near us. I heard one man shouting orders to protect the Queen, but she shielded me. At one point, I heard her begin to fight back as she let go of me. Then I heard her screaming at them as the sounds of clashing swords stopped. She shouted for them to get their hands off of her. I stumbled upon a sword as I shouted for them to leave her alone. I picked it up and swung it at the sounds of their voices, but they just laughed at me. Then I heard the door to a carriage close, and as it took off, her shouting became quieter. It headed toward the docks of King's Cove. Please forgive me my Lord. I did what I could but it wasn't enough." Explains the old man as his blind eyes fill with tears.

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