Chapter 29

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Asher wakes to a dark unfamiliar room

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Asher wakes to a dark unfamiliar room. He hears the sounds of people scurrying about, inside and outside of the castle. He looks around the dark room and realizes it's no longer his parents room, but his own. "I still can't get use to this room," he whispers aloud as he sits up and stretches.

He slowly makes his way across the room as he attempts to navigate to the window while stubbing his toes a few times along the way. "Damn it!" he swears while gritting his teeth and hopping as his toes begin to throb.

He slightly tugs on the ceiling high curtains as he squints his eyes trying to adjust to the morning sunlight. He rubs his eyes and shields them with his hand as they finally adapt. A sudden knock at the door makes him jolt. "Good lord! Yeah, come in," he announces with annoyance in his tone.

One of the large wooden double doors creaks while it opens slowly as Baschera steps into the room. "I figured you'd be awake. It's a wonder anyone can get sleep around here with all this racket going on," Baschera declares as he leans against a table.

Asher slides open the curtains to allow light into the room when a soft knock diverts their attention to the open doorway.

"Your Highness, I have your breakfast." Announces the soft voice of a young kitchen servant.

"Thank you. You can just put it on the table." States Asher.

"Your bath is being prepared as well Your Highness."

"Alright." He responds as he walks to the table to sit.

She looks down at the tray as Baschera stares at her while she approaches the table he leans against. As she reaches across the table to put the tray down in front of Asher, Baschera leans in to get a better look down her blouse.

"Did you bring some for me?" Asks Baschera as he slowly looks up at her face.

"I can bring you whatever you like my Lord." She replies with a quick shy glance up at him.

"How about we skip the food and I just have you for dessert." Baschera responds still staring at her.

She blushes and reveals a hint of a smile.

"Whatever you wish my Lord." She accepts.

"I like the sound of that. Cousin, I hope you have all the food you need because she's going to be busy for a while." Insinuates Baschera as he grabs her hand to guide her out of the room.

"Alright, sure, whatever." Adds Asher as he picks at the food not really paying attention to what just transpired.

"I'll see you at the coronation." Exclaims Baschera as he exits quickly with the kitchen servant.

A door to a guest room down the hall slams hard.

"Alright." Responds Asher a bit late as his mind is elsewhere.

Asher picks at his food for a while in deep thought, unfazed by the loud moans that echo throughout the hallway. After filling his stomach, he walks into his bathing room. He undresses and slowly steps down into the steaming hot water that fills the large bath. He sighs deeply in relief as he lies in the hot water, while his worries seem to fade into distant memory. His mind is blank as he relaxes for a short time, until the moans grow louder, coming to a climax.

"What the hell is that noise?" He shouts in annoyance.

He steps out of the bath and dries himself off before grabbing his best clothing that has been set out for him.

"Damn it Baschera!" He yells as he finally realizes what happened.

As he pulls on his clothes, the moaning finally stops.

"Thank you!" He stresses as he puts his hands together and looks up, thanking the gods.

After putting on his pants and tunic, he puts on a vest and pulls his boots on. He slides on a few rings then grabs a large gold chain. An emblem of an eye inside of the sun, hangs as the symbol of the kingdom. He puts on the necklace then follows by strapping on the family sword. He stares at it momentarily as he recalls it being placed in his mother's hands at her funeral. He concludes by tying on his ceremonial robes and placing his crown on his head. He looks at himself in a large mirror.

"I wish this were a happier day." He whispers to himself. "I guess it's about that time though."

He exits the room and heads down the hall lined with guards toward the throne room. As he enters the room, everyone stands. All eyes are on him as he walks to the throne. He turns to face the crowd of people packed into the large room as he reaches the throne. Bishop Edgar approaches him with the investiture rites regalia as his aid follows with the ceremonial crown. As they near him, Asher kneels.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to rule the people of this Kingdom of Taraquin, and respect laws and customs of the same?" Asks Bishop Edgar.

"I solemnly promise to do so." Responds Asher.

"Will you, to the best of your power, cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will."

Edgar hands Asher the globus cruciger, a gold orb encrusted with precious jewels with a cross on top of it. Asher holds it in one hand as Edgar hands him the royal scepter, a long gold spear with the eye in the sun symbol toward the top of it. Then Edgar removes Asher's crown and replaces it with the larger ceremonial crown.

"What say you?" Asks Edgar.

"I, Asher, Lord of the house of Aukland, King of Taraquin, swear that I will uphold these things which I have promised, so help me King of the Gods.

"Then rise my King." Announces Bishop Edgar.

Asher stands and the quiet room erupts in loud cheers.

"Long live the King." They all shout as King Asher sits on his throne.

Asher scans the crowd until his eye catches the one he lusts for.

'It's time I choose my Queen.' He thinks to himself as he stares back at Isabel.

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