Chapter 17

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The sun starts to peak over the Taramure Mountains off in the distance

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The sun starts to peak over the Taramure Mountains off in the distance. Its reflection shimmers off the water and causes Baschera to wake. He yawns and looks down at Fallon still resting on his chest. He stares for a moment until she opens her eyes as well. "Good morning," he whispers.

"Good morning," she agrees smiling. "Oh no. We need to get back so we aren't late to class."

"Do we have to?" he replies as he pulls on her hand to keep her from getting up.

"Yes, we have to," she argues as she quickly kisses him on the lips.

It throws him off guard just long enough to where she has time to stand up. Then she offers him a hand to help him up.

"Come on," she urges.

"Alright." He moans as he grabs her hand and pulls himself off the ground.

He doesn't let go of her hand as they walk vigorously back to the academy grounds. As they near the front of the building, they brush themselves off and try to make themselves look presentable. She briefly worries that someone might see them and get the wrong idea. They enter the main entrance to the academy and reach the hallway where they must part.

"I'll see you in a bit." Baschera states as he feels like the short time will be an eternity.

"Bye." She smiles feeling the same.

He stares back at her as they walk in opposite directions down the hall until she disappears around the corner. He instantly feels alone without her. He takes a deep breath to calm himself and enters his room. Asher and Dekker finish getting ready as he walks through the door.

"Well, well, well, somebody had a good night." Announces Asher with a proud grin on his face.

"Shut up. It's not like that with Fallon." Maintains Baschera as he heads to his side of the room to change his clothes.

"So she turned you down, did she?" Asks Dekker.

"No. We just talked. It's different with her." Baschera insists.

He pulls fresh clothes out of his dresser and begins to change.

"A few more days and we're out of here for good." Announces Baschera trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, It's hard to believe that we're almost done." Adds Asher.

"I'm ready to get away from these snobby noble women." States Dekker. "Peasant women, here I come!"

"You're stupid." Adds Baschera.

The boys finish getting ready and head to breakfast. They quickly grab some food and head out to the courtyard.

"I'm actually going to miss this place." Declares Baschera.

"What! I thought you hated this place." Retorts Dekker.

"I did, but now that I think back, we've had some good times here." Baschera explains.

"When did you become so positive?" Asks Asher as he eats an apple.

"I don't know." Answers Baschera unsure.

He catches a glimpse of Fallon walking into their history class and quickly starts to gather his things.

"What's the rush?" Asher asks.

"I want to make sure I'm on time for class." Responds Baschera as he takes off in a hurry.

"What is the deal with him today?" Inquires Asher.

Dekker shrugs his shoulders unsure. Baschera opens the door to the classroom and immediately starts looking for Fallon. She sits in her normal seat quietly talking to Isabel. He sits down in his seat and turns slightly to exchange smiles with Fallon. Isabel notices the interaction and starts to become enraged while trying to hide it. Lady Mary looks up from her book and notices Baschera already sitting in his seat.

"So Baschera, what do we owe this honor?" Asks Lady Mary surprised to see him so early.

"I just felt that I should arrive early today." He replies.

"Well, either way, it's nice to see that you've finally taken an interest in showing up on time." Adds Lady Mary.

"Thank you." Responds Baschera.

The rest of the class starts to file in and take their seats. Asher and Dekker sit down and stare at Baschera inquisitively. He looks forward even though he knows they are staring at him in wonder of his new found positivity. Lady Mary starts her lesson for the day, but it is soon interrupted as the doors open and Lord Garrin walks in. He walks up to Lady Mary and whispers in her ear. She nods in agreement and then he turns and walks back toward the door but stops at Asher's desk.

"Prince Asher, I need to speak with you for a moment outside." Lord Garrin insists in a serious tone.

"Alright." Approves Asher as he gets up from his desk and follows him into the courtyard.

Lord Garrin leads Asher to an isolated area of the courtyard.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?" Questions Asher.

"I need you to be strong and level headed for what I'm about to tell you."

"Garrin, just tell me what happened." Asher demands.

"It's about your mother. She didn't wake up a few days ago and it's suspected that she was poisoned." Empathizes Lord Garrin.

"Who is responsible?" Rages Asher as his fists clench tightly ready to kill the culprit.

"Lord Crispin thinks someone from the Rebels infiltrated the castle somehow." Explains Garrin.

"I want every rock turned over in this entire kingdom until every single rebel is separated from their head." Scolds Asher.

"I understand. We also need to make preparations for the funeral and your coronation. You are the King now, but I suggest that we keep that fact private for now." Insists Garrin.

"I agree. We don't know who can be trusted at this point." Observes Asher.

"We need to get you to Brinon. It will be easier to handle things from the capitol. I have horses in front of the academy to take us to a ship that is waiting to take us across the bay." Garrin Discloses.

"Alright. Let me grab some of my things and then I'll meet you out front." Responds Asher.

Garrin nods and heads to the front of the academy as Asher goes to his room to collect some clothes and his sword. As he grabs his sword, he thinks about how he wants to bury it into the culprit's chest.

"You will pay for what you have done." Mumbles Asher while staring at his sword as knots twist his stomach.

He straps the sword to his side and then quickly packs a light bag that he can easily carry. Once he has everything he needs, he walks briskly through the hallways toward the front of the academy without making eye contact or saying a word to anyone he passes. As he exits the main doors, he notices Garrin already atop one of the horses. He quickly mounts the vacant horse and they take off, leaving a cloud of dust in their trail.

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