Chapter 57

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After riding through the night, the army finally returns to Brinonberg

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After riding through the night, the army finally returns to Brinonberg. The sun begins to rise and reflects reddish purple colors off of King's Cove as Baschera, Asher, and Zane near the capitol city. Asher holds Isabel tightly as they sleep in the back of the carriage. Baschera and Zane are still wide-awake and energetic as they control the carriage from the driver's seat.

"That potion you made is awesome," declares Baschera. "I'm still not even remotely tired. I feel like we could go fight another Rebel army and I'd be completely fine."

"I knew it would come in handy," replies Zane. "I have no idea how long it lasts though. I don't think I've really even slept much in the last two weeks."

"Think of all of the stuff we could accomplish if we never slept though. We could kill so many Rebels. We could take over the world," laughs Baschera.

"I feel like there aren't enough Rebels for us to kill," smiles Zane.

"I was just thinking that! The Rebels must really be hurting for skilled warriors because yesterday seemed almost too easy," admits Baschera.

"Maybe we already killed all of their best fighters," proposes Zane.

"If so, that's a bit depressing!" Confesses Baschera. "It would be nice to be challenged every once in a while."

"I guess we'll just have to fight each other if we want a challenge," laughs Zane.

"Right!" Baschera laughs. "Although, I have heard that Demure has a Chancellor named Ogawa who is supposedly good with a sword and possesses powerful magic."

"Maybe we should go and fight him then," insists Zane. "Then we would see if the rumors are true."

"I'm sure its just propaganda coming from Demure. They'll do anything to make themselves sound more powerful. It would be pretty awesome if we could extend an invitation to the other kingdoms for their best fighters to gather in the spirit of competition. We've done it on quite a few occasions with Pontius and Farook, but the other kingdoms would never accept. They'd rather wage a real war against us," admits Baschera.

"Well, I guess our only option is to inform Asher that we're going to war with Demure then," laughs Zane.

"He's a dream killer. He wouldn't let us have any fun," admits Baschera.

The army pushes past them as they enter Brinonberg. Soldiers create a line of protection through the streets as they block both sides of the main road all the way to the palace. Every Soldier they pass between places their fist to their chest as they show respect for Zane and Baschera.

"They salute you," announces Baschera. "You earned their respect on the battlefield."

Zane watches each and every Soldier repeat the action, causing him to fight back tears of joy. Crowds of people gather behind the Soldiers to get a view of them. He hears multiple people within the crowds yelling as they recognize him. "It's the Rebel Slayer," they announce. Zane smiles and waves as the crowds grow louder, speaking his nickname as his legend grows. When they finally reach the gates of the palace, familiar faces have already gathered to greet them. The faces fade away as Zane notices Rose standing next to Crispin. Excitement swells within him as he pulls the carriage into the outer courtyard and eases it to a stop near the palace entrance. Zane jumps from the carriage and runs to Rose, who still wears the infirmary gown Lady Marie dressed her in. Even though he's covered in blood and dirt from battle, she hugs him anyway. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke," he apologizes.

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