Chapter 47

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Zane's mood quickly changes from joy and laughter to fearful

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Zane's mood quickly changes from joy and laughter to fearful. He flinches as he quickly holds up his arms in an attempt to protect himself from a possible attack from Lord Ademar.

"Who are you?" repeats Ademar shouting with a fierce look in his eyes, as he grows more impatient.

"It's me! It's Zane!" he cries out in an old raspy voice.

"What sort of trickery is this?" retorts Ademar as he looks upon the old man in front of him.

"He speaks the truth my Lord!" shouts Dekker in Zane's defense as he runs toward them trying to defuse the unforeseen situation.

Ademar squints his eyes, looking deeper at the face of the old man. He disarms slowly as he starts to lower his hand, seeing a sliver of resemblance to Zane in the wrinkled face with white hair streaming from it. "Zane?" he questions with lessening doubt. "How is this possible?"

Zane lowers his guard slightly, but places the palm of his hand on his chest as an idea comes to mind. He closes his eyes and searches for his healing power. As the healing begins, his appearance slowly reverts back to normal as the potion is forced from his system. Ademar's eyes widen and his mouth drops in awe of the spectacle.

"How did you do that?" shouts Ademar excitedly in disbelief of what he just witnessed.

"It was one of the spells from my Grandfather's book of potions," explains Zane as he smiles at Ademar's reaction.

"That was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen!" interrupts Dekker, holding his hands over his wide-opened mouth as he covers his amazement.

"I agree with Dekker," announces Ademar. "You've got to show me some of those spells sometime."

"From what I've seen so far, there are quite a few that may come in very handy. There are all kinds of potions to change one's appearance," explains Zane.

"Those could be of great use to our spies," admits Ademar. "However, if that book were to ever fall into the hands of the Rebels, it could singlehandedly be the downfall of Taraquin. Don't ever let it out of your sight."

"I hadn't really thought of it that way, but now I see its importance. I will keep it safe," responds Zane, as the conversation turns serious.

"That brings me to the reason I came to see you two in the first place. I need you to come to my office," orders Ademar in a serious tone.

"Is everything alright?" questions Zane in a concerned voice as he searches Ademar's face for an answer.

"I'll explain when we get to my office," answers Ademar before he turns to leave the room.

Zane and Dekker look at each other and shrug, as neither of them knows what it could be about. They follow Ademar into the hallway and exit the dorms. They march in silence through the school as they their minds wander. As they near Ademar's office, they see three dark figures waiting near his door.

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