Chapter 27

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With Chora Province behind them, Baschera struggles to get comfortable as he changes from lying to sitting every few minutes

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With Chora Province behind them, Baschera struggles to get comfortable as he changes from lying to sitting every few minutes. After traveling for an entire day, he has become very restless. Just as he as gets comfortable lying down, the carriage hits a random rock in the dirt road and sends him airborne. "Ahh!" he screams in frustration as he balls his fist and hits the floor. "Damn this infernal carriage!"

He sits up, but continues to squirm, trying to get comfortable again as he leans up against the left wall of the carriage. Out of his mind with boredom, he pulls back the window curtain and sticks his head out the window. A cool breeze with a light mist from the ocean sprays his warm and angry face. He sighs with a bit of liberation as he closes his eyes. He takes slow deep breaths as he starts to calm down, until he notices the carriage slowing down. "Really! What now?" he demands, throwing his hands up as the carriage comes to a halt.

He kicks the door open and steps out. He walks toward the front of the carriage as he notices Isabel looking back at him from the window of the carriage in front of his. He quickly redirects his attention to the young Gwop, Guardsman without powers, driving his carriage. "Why have we stopped?" Baschera questions.

"I'm not sure My Lord," the young Guardsman answers.

"Well don't just sit there, go find out!" orders Baschera still frustrated.

"Yes My Lord!" returns the Guardsman as he quickly dismounts the carriage and runs toward the front of the convoy.

Baschera watches as the Gwop crests the hill near the leading carriage of Lord Garrin. The sound of shouting grows as he notices people dismounting and the Gwop sprinting back toward him. "Something's wrong!" Baschera announces as he pulls his sword.

"Rebels!" shouts the Gwop as he nears Baschera still in full sprint.

"Isabel, get in my carriage!" demands Baschera as he grabs her driver and pushes him toward the carriage as well. "I want all three of you to stay in my carriage until it's over. Protect her with your lives."

The two drivers nod in agreement and disappear into the carriage behind Isabel as Baschera takes off in a sprint. He runs uphill toward the sound of battle with sword in hand when he notices Caine and Drake leaning up against one of the carriages. "What are you doing? We're under attack!" shouts Baschera as he approaches.

"That's what the Guardsmen are for," retorts Caine shouting back.

Drake laughs at Caine's response. Angered by their high and mighty attitude, Baschera lowers his shoulder and plows into them. They both smash into the ground hard. Drake responds as he sticks up his hand in a threatening manner.

"Your powers don't frighten me!" proclaims Baschera. "Get up and go help now, or I will separate your heads from your puny little necks!"

They quickly submit but slowly start to collect themselves.

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