Chapter 58

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Asher watches intently as Isabel dresses herself in a beautiful purple gown after bathing away the dirt and ghastly memories of her capture

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Asher watches intently as Isabel dresses herself in a beautiful purple gown after bathing away the dirt and ghastly memories of her capture. Happiness slowly returns to her face as she regains normalcy by settling back into her new life at the palace. Asher allows two servants to enter the King's Chamber only after realizing that he can't help Isabel with her hair. "Are you sure you are well enough to be around people tonight?" he questions, feeling uneasy about letting her around anyone as she disappears into the changing room with the two servants.

"I feel much better now," she insists as the two servants brush her hair. "I think I'll feel even better being among friends and returning to my life. I refuse to stay locked away in fear of contact with the outside world."

Asher sits on the bench at the foot of their bed feeling even more anxious. "I get it. I just worry about your safety."

"And I appreciate you being protective, but I will not give them the satisfaction of living like a prisoner for the rest of my life. I am stronger than I appear," she admits. "Besides, you have posted an army powerful enough to rival the gods inside and out of the palace walls. I highly doubt that even the smallest rodent would dare make an attempt to enter."

Asher smiles at the thought of his overzealousness.

"You may rest easy my love. The fact that your cousins also sit beneath this roof should give cause for relief. From what I've heard, the two of them alone could cripple an army without much effort," she declares as the servants finish with her hair.

"You are right my Queen. What use do I really have for an army when I have Baschera and Zane around? I am truly blessed to have their loyalty," he admits.

Isabel exits the changing room to show off her hair and gown. "How do I look?"

"You look ridiculously beautiful!" he announces as he stares in awe. A commotion from the inner courtyard interrupts his gaze as sounds of practice swords echo through the open balcony.

"Shall we go down and see what all the fuss is about?" she questions as she holds out her arm.

He grabs her by the arm and escorts her out of the room. They proceed down the hallway followed by six Guardsmen as they head for the stairs. As they near the inner courtyard, Baschera and Zane come into view, sparring bare-chested with practice swords. Isabel's eyes widen when she notices their polished sweaty muscles glistening in the sunlight. Many have gathered in the courtyard to watch out of curiosity, especially quite a few young female servants. Isabel mingles with Rose and Orellia as Asher sits in the bleachers with Dekker, Caine, and Beedo.

"It seems Baschera has some competition now!" announces Dekker with a smile.

"How do they still have the energy for that?" questions Asher. "They fought all day yesterday, and didn't sleep at all last night."

"Zane is probably still using the energy potion he created," reveals Dekker.

"He is full of many surprises," admits Asher. "He's actually really good with a sword! Is there nothing he isn't good at?"

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