Chapter 63

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Asher opens his eyes as a beam of light creeps through the curtains covering the large open balcony of the King's Chamber at Brinonberg Palace

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Asher opens his eyes as a beam of light creeps through the curtains covering the large open balcony of the King's Chamber at Brinonberg Palace. He rolls to his side to notice he's alone in his bed. He smiles as he realizes the reason for Isabel's absence. His wedding day has finally arrived.

He springs out of bed with excitement and heads for the balcony. He pulls the large curtains back and shields his eyes for a moment. His guests have already begun to congregate in the inner courtyard as they converse quietly. He turns as he hears a soft knock at the door. "Come in," he shouts.

Two servant girls enter the chamber. "We prepared your bath while you were sleeping your Highness," announces one of the servants as they stare at his bare chest.

"Thank you. I'll be in there in a moment," he insists as he turns back to watch the guests in the courtyard.

The two servant girls bow and enter the bathing room to further prepare. He turns back to look over the railing of the balcony when his nose catches a whiff of food, sending his stomach into grumbling spasms. He follows the scent back into his room and notices breakfast sitting on his dining table. He wonders how he didn't notice the food sitting there before as he stops next to the table to calm the grumbling. He quickly scarfs down bread, fish, and grapes before washing it down with a cup of wine.

After his stomach spasms begin to subside, he heads for his bathing room. As he enters, surprise overcomes him as he notices the two pretty servant girls standing fully nude in his bath. "I can bathe myself," he announces as he stares at their nude bodies. "I appreciate the gesture, but it's not necessary."

"Lady Isabel insisted that we make sure you are well cleaned," claims one of the servant girls.

"Alright," agrees Asher as he takes off his trousers. "I won't deny a request from my future wife."

The girls stare as he fully undresses and steps down into the hot bath. The girls lather up soap on a rag and begin washing him. He stands quietly with his eyes closed as he enjoys the pampering, a little too much as they wash certain areas. The enjoyment doesn't go unnoticed, and is quickly put to purpose. He feels the change in service and looks down to notice one of the girls on her knees in front of him. "What are you doing?"

She stops and looks up at him. "Am I not doing it well enough your Highness? Lady Isabel insisted that we make sure your nerves were calmed for the wedding."

"She insisted that?" questions Asher.

"Yes your Highness. She said that we were to take care of all your morning needs, to include your private urges," claims the servant.

"And the two of you are fully willing to perform that request?" he asks.

"Yes your Highness," they respond with smiles on their faces.

"Well, if that is your intent, then let us see the request to completion," he declares as the servant in front of him continues what she was doing. He grabs the other girl and starts kissing her chest and feeling her body until he can wait no longer. He continues kissing the girl beside him as he turns and lifts her onto the edge of the bath. He moves toward her, fulfilling requests for both of them.

After his bath is finished, the servant girls dry him off and follow him to his dressing room. They assist him as he puts on his finest clothing. He dresses in gray trousers and a white tunic. Then he pulls on tightly fitted chainmail and a light purple jacket that hangs open to his knees. The girls attach his upper body light armor and then finish with the sabatons and greaves that cover his boots. A knock on the door echoes through the chamber. He slaps one of the servant girls on her bare rear-end. "Both of you can go put your clothes back on. We shall have to do this again sometime," he mentions casually with a smile as they exit to the bathing room. "Come in!" he shouts as he exits the changing room to see Zane enter.

"Are you ready?" asks Zane, showing off Hagan's extravagant armor.

"I thought I was, until you walked into the room wearing that," retorts Asher. "Are you trying to make me look bad?" he asks with a laugh.

"I wasn't intending to, but the thought of looking better than you pleases me greatly," declares Zane with a smirk.

Asher shakes his head and laughs. "You're lucky I like you."

"I think you'd be quite screwed if there were conflict between us," retorts Zane with a smile.

"I can't deny that," agrees Asher.

"We had better go, or Uncle Navar is going to lose his mind with anticipation," reveals Zane.

"Maybe we should wait a little while longer then," declares Asher as they exit the King's Chamber.

Zane laughs. "He's been out of control today. He's already yelled at the majority of the staff for not doing things to his standard, or not doing it fast enough."

"He gets that way every time we host any kind of celebration," confesses Asher as they head downstairs. The exit the stairs and head through the palace toward the grand hall. As they enter, hundreds of guests stand and bow. They walk side by side down the middle aisle toward the front, as guests who have yet to meet Zane start to quietly talk about him.

As they near the front, Asher takes his position in front of his throne, and Zane takes his position between Asher and Baschera. Dekker finishes helping Bishop Edgar prepare items for the ceremony, and then takes his place on the other side of Baschera. Bishop Edgar takes his place between the two thrones, and then looks to make sure Rose, Orellia, and Tristany are in their positions to the left of the thrones. Edgar nods to Navar at the back of the room to let him know they are ready.

Navar pulls one of the large doors partially open and sticks his head out. "Are you ready?" he questions Isabel with a smile.

"I am," she answers.

Navar closes the door and quickly heads to the front row of seating and sits next to Asher's other family members on the right side of the hall. As soon as he sits, guards open the two large doors. Isabel enters, escorted by her father Lord Vincent. All of the guests quickly stand. They all admire how beautiful she looks in her long purple gown as she walks down the center aisle. She wears a matching crown woven from Purple Heathers, a light purple cluster of small bell shaped flowers that line each long stem by the hundreds. The flowers originate from her homeland of Selban, and they symbolize future protection and good luck.

As Isabel nears the Queen's throne, her father kisses her cheek and sits down in the front row on the left side. Isabel takes her position and faces Bishop Edgar.

"We are here today to join King Asher and Lady Isabel in marriage before the gods and all who witness," announces Edgar. "Can anyone show justifiable cause why these two should not be joined?" He pauses for a moment and looks around the room. He grabs the rings from a table between the thrones and hands Isabel's ring to Asher. "Asher, will you promise to provide for and protect her as long as you live?" Edgar questions Asher.

"I will," promises Asher as he places a gold ring with a large diamond on the fourth finger of her left hand.

Edgar then hands Asher's ring to Isabel. "Isabel, will you promise to honor your husband and provide your King with an heir?"

"I will," Isabel promises as she places a gold band on the fourth finger of his left hand.

"Congratulations," announces Edgar. "You may kiss your bride."

Asher kisses Isabel and all the guests cheer. Asher walks to his throne while holding Isabel's hand. They each sit on their thrones simultaneously. Bishop Edgar walks behind Isabel's throne and removes the crown of Purple Heathers. He sits it down on the small table, and then replaces it with a beautiful golden crown. "Long live the Queen!" he shouts.

The guests all stand and chant. "Long live the Queen!"

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