Chapter 52

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"Baschera! Baschera!" Whispers Navar as he attempts to snap Baschera out of a trance

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"Baschera! Baschera!" Whispers Navar as he attempts to snap Baschera out of a trance.

Baschera stares at Fallon and the rest of the Rebels entering the citadel in Lanagan's city center. He watches as the last of them enter and close the large doors. "What?" Baschera finally responds.

"Is everything alright?" Navar questions.

"Yeah, sorry. I thought I saw someone, but my eyes must be playing tricks on me," adds Baschera.

"We need to get out of Lanagan before the Rebels leave the citadel. This is our only chance to exit the city without being seen," declares Navar.

"Yeah, you're right. We need to get back and inform Asher. Then we'll come back with an army," announces Baschera.

"Alright, let's go."

They back away from the city center slowly and quietly as they stick to the shadows of the alleyway to remain unseen by the roaming Rebel guards. Once they get far enough away from the city center, they take off in a rush through the maze of alleys that weave throughout the city. Every time they are forced to cross a main street, their hearts race even faster as they attempt to cross without being seen by people out and about. Once they are finally out of the city, they quicken their pace until they reach the river where the Soldiers await them.

"Mount your horses! We need to get back to Brinonberg as quickly as possible," orders Navar as they approach. The Soldiers do as commanded while Navar and Baschera stop in an attempt to catch their breath. Once their breathing calms, they mount their horses as well. "Let's go!" Shouts Navar as they take off in a hurry.

They push their horses to their limits for much of the night, only slowing a few times to give them a break. Once they reach Peoria, they finally slow their horses to a walk. They pass Peoria as the sun begins to rise, heading for the North Bridge instead of taking the ship back across King's cove.

"I think I may take your advice," announces Navar, breaking the silence as he trots up alongside Baschera.

"Oh yeah. Which advice would that be?" He Questions.

"I think I may retire back to Kandrel once the King has married. Obviously we have to get Isabel back first, but it's time I focus on fixing the problems in Kandrel," declares Navar.

"I can't blame you after seeing Lanagan. Who would you suggest to take over as Chief Minister?" Asks Baschera.

"In the end it's fully up to Asher, but I would recommend Isabel's father, Lord Vincent to take my place. He and I have been close friends for many years and I think he would do well in the position. It's generally a position held by a relative of the King or Queen anyway," explains Navar.

"I think he's a good choice," agrees Baschera. "What will you do with all of that free time?"

Navar laughs. "I honestly don't know. Free time is something I haven't been familiar with for a long time. I think once Kandrel is free of Rebel control, I may do some traveling. Who knows, I may even meet someone to settle down with along the way. It is about time I give Kandrel an heir, " continues Navar as they reach the North Bridge.

Baschera welcomes the sites and smells as they cross to Brinon Isle. "That sounds like a good plan. We should probably pick up the pace again," insists Baschera.

"Alright," agrees Navar as he flicks the reins and heels his horse. They take off in a full gallop as they race for Brinonberg. The deep thumping sounds of their horse's hooves on dirt quickly changes as they cross onto the cobblestone streets of the capitol. The clicking sound of each step from the group of horses echoes loudly throughout the city, causing early risers to stare as they pass by. The palace guards at the gate open it in preparation as they see Navar and Baschera leading the pack. As they enter the outer courtyard, the gate quickly closes behind them. They calm their horses and ease back on the reins, instantly noticing Asher already waiting for them. As they dismount their horses, squires lead them away to the stables.

"Did you find her?" Asks Asher as they approach.

"We think she is being held in Lanagan your highness," answers Navar. "There was a large meeting of Rebels within the city and we couldn't find out for certain."

Asher hangs his head, disappointed by the news. "Are you sure she is still alive?"

"Our spies speak of her being held captive to symbolize their victory. I doubt they would have taken her that far if they had intended to kill her," reports Baschera.

"We also came across news about a new leader of the Rebels your Highness. We have multiple accounts that a woman of noble status is now leading the Rebels," continues Navar.

"You took those rumors seriously?" Retorts Asher.

"We were skeptical of these reports at first as well, but then we encountered Ezra. He successfully infiltrated the Rebels and also spoke of these accounts," furthers Baschera as he is reminded of Fallon. He quickly pushes the thought to the back of his mind, as he can't bring himself to say anything.

"That is very strange," admits Asher as his thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of carriages approaching the front gate. The gate opens and a smile forms on Asher's face as he notices Zane sitting with Ademar in the driver's seat of the lead carriage. His smile quickly fades when the carriages stop and he notices the blood on Zane's tunic and trousers. "What happened?" Asks Asher as Zane jumps down from the carriage.

"We were attacked by Rebels near Eudora and Rose was severely injured during the initial assault," answers Zane as he helps Ademar down from the carriage before rushing back to the carriage Rose is in. Ademar hangs onto the front wheel of the carriage to brace himself as Asher notices the burn marks around his eyes.

"What happened to you?" Asks Asher with concern.

"Zane used his light spell and I didn't hear his call to look away. It completely blinded me, but his healing has started to take effect," reveals Ademar.

"How many attacked you?" Asks Baschera.

"There were around five hundred or so," answers Ademar.

"How did you escape?" Asks Navar.

"Zane. He killed them all," reveals Ademar.

Their faces turn to shock as they watch Zane pull Rose from the carriage. He picks her up, holding her tight as he carries her toward them.

"Who is he?" Asks Navar, noticing the green eyes and resemblances to Lord Hagan as Zane passes.

"We have much to discuss," admits Ademar.

Zane follows Galil, the Acting Commander of the King's Guard toward the infirmary. "Lady Marie will assist you," announces Galil as he points to the infirmary entrance and continues on.

"Thank you," acknowledges Zane. As he enters the infirmary, Marie faces the opposite direction as she works to further heal Dorian. Zane lays Rose on one of the beds and waits for a moment until Marie is done.

"What can I help you with?" Asks Marie as she continues working on Dorian.

"Lady Rose was severely wounded by a spear when Rebels attacked us on the way here. It pierced her side and went in pretty deep, but I was able to remove it and heal the entry wound. I've been working on healing the internal wounds but I don't know how well it's worked," he explains.

She immediately stops what she's doing as she confusingly tries to piece together a male voice telling her he used healing magic, then it suddenly dawns on her. "You must be the Rebel Slayer I've been hearing about," she acknowledges as she turns see him. Her eyes instantly widen at the sight of him. She looks him over and smiles as her heart begins pounding rapidly with desire. "You look really familiar," she announces looking flustered.

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