Chapter 20

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Zane wakes the next morning to the tantalizing smell of breakfast that abruptly sends a shockwave of grumbling throughout his stomach

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Zane wakes the next morning to the tantalizing smell of breakfast that abruptly sends a shockwave of grumbling throughout his stomach. He yawns and stretches for a moment and is suddenly surprised that pain didn't captivate his upper body as he stretched this time. He slides to the edge of the bed and dangles his legs over the side as he sits up. Grumbling in his stomach resumes as the smell fills the room. He yawns once more and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He looks around the room until he pinpoints the fresh clothing sitting atop a dresser. He walks slowly over to the dresser and begins to put on the clothes when he hears Asher and an unfamiliar voice arguing down the echoing hall. He pulls the trousers on and walks over to the door to hear a little better.

"Why won't you tell me what is so special about him?" debates Asher.

"There are some things about him that need to remain hidden until the time is right. You just have to trust me your Highness. I have bigger plans for him than the King's Guard. However, I can assure you that when the time comes, I will tell you everything," retorts the unknown voice.

Zane's eyes widen as he presses his ear to the door.

"It's hard for me to trust anyone right now, given recent events," declares Asher.

"I can understand your faltering trust, but I promise, my keeping this information hidden is for good reason."

"Alright. I will trust your judgment. Just inform me when the time comes," orders Asher.

"I will your Highness."

Zane realizes he caught the end of the conversation, so he opens the door and walks casually into the hallway to see an older man with a familiar face now focused on him with a look of surprise.

"Zane! Good morning," Asher states with surprise as he wonders if he overheard any of their conversation.

"Good morning to you as well your Highness," replies Zane.

"This is Chancellor Ademar," introduces Asher as he motions to Ademar.

"It's very nice to finally meet you," declares Zane as he extends his hand.

"You as well," states Ademar as he grips Zane's hand firmly.

Pain and a strange sensation shoot through Zane's body and his legs become weak, causing him to fall to his knees. Ademar tightens his grip to try and pull Zane back to his feet until Zane looks up at him with glazed over eyes. Ademar quickly lets go and jumps back to take cover from the pending attack.

"Get down!" Ademar yells to Asher.

They both hit the ground hard as a watery substance shoots from Zane's eyes. It hits a painting on the wall above them and freezes it. They hear a crackling sound and notice that ice has engulfed the entire hallway. The sound ceases as Zane's body goes limp and he falls hard to the floor, landing right next to Asher.

"It's true!" Exclaims Ademar.

"What the hell was that?" Yells Asher.

Ademar scrambles to his feet and then rushes over to Zane to check on him. As he rolls Zane onto his side, he wakes with confusion.

"What happened?" Asks Zane.

"You just used one of my powers." Explains Ademar with an exciting grin.

"I did that?" Asks Zane as he looks at the frozen walls.

"Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?" Interrupts Asher now climbing to his feet.

"He just used one of my powers! I was right!" Yells Ademar with excitement as he jumps around dancing like a fool.

"He almost killed us and you're excited about it?" Snaps Asher.

"Don't you understand what this means?" Asks Ademar as he stops dancing.

"No. I don't know what it means." Retorts Asher.

"I'm lost as well." Declares Zane as he forces himself to a seated position.

"It means that the legend is true." States Ademar.

"What legend?" Asks Asher even more confused.

"Didn't you pay attention in history class?"

Asher grins and shakes his head slightly.

"Alright, well. There's an ancient legend that talks of a boy who is born during a great war that eradicates all living dragons from the face of the Earth. It says that the boy will have an endless amount of power and will rise during troubled times in the kingdom. It also says that he will lead the kingdom to victory during the greatest war ever seen. He will raise dragons from extinction, and will initiate five thousand years of peace within the kingdom." Explains Ademar.

"So what causes you to believe that the legend is about Zane?" Asks Asher.

"He was born during the Great War with Demure, his powers became known during troubled times, and he can absorb or clone powers." Ademar explains grinning again.

"What do you mean I can clone powers?" Asks Zane still confused by the whole situation.

"You used Lord Gregor's power when you were attacked in Willow Grove, then you healed yourself when the healers tried to heal you, and a few minutes ago, you used a power that only I possess. I was curious how you used a power unique only to Lord Gregor when I first heard the details of the attack. Then you were able to heal yourself after coming into contact with the healers. It got me to thinking that you had more than likely been around Lord Gregor before the attack and somehow absorbed his power. When you shook my hand and hunched down in pain, I could tell that you were using some sort of magic that was a little too much for you to handle. When you looked up at me, I could see your eyes change and I knew that you were about to use my freezing spell. That confirmed your ability to clone." Describes Ademar.

"So if he can clone powers, he could essentially clone every power in existence?" Asks Asher in amazement.

"I think so. It's an explanation to the legend where it talks of an endless amount of power. If he can clone like I think he can, then that's technically an endless amount." Adds Ademar.

"This is just crazy. It just sounds like a crazy coincidence." Declares Zane.

"There's more to it that leads me to believe you are the bringer of peace referred to in the legend, but we'll discuss that when the time is right. For now, you should probably keep your distance from anyone who has powers you haven't cloned already."

"Why?" Asks Zane.

"You become weakened when you use powers, just like the rest of us. However, you also become weak when you clone powers as well. As of right now, you can't seem to control when you clone. So it's best if you stay away from people with powers until you can control it, because if you try to take too much, it will more than likely kill you."

"Alright. So, can I be around Lord Gregor?"

"Yes. He doesn't have any other powers for you to clone, so you should be good. " Replies Ademar as he redirects his attention to Asher. "We need to get going, we've got a long ride to Brinon."

"Alright." Agrees Asher as he assists Zane to his feet before heading to one of the guest bedrooms to prepare his things to leave.

"When I return, we have much to work on." Insists Ademar as he walks away.

Zane nods in agreement.     

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