Chapter 50

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Baschera wakes as waves cause the ship to bump up against the dock it's anchored to

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Baschera wakes as waves cause the ship to bump up against the dock it's anchored to. The early morning sun begins to get hot as it beats down on his unprotected face. He rolls over on the deck of the ship and shields his face as he allows his eyes to adjust and stretches while making painful sounding noises. He rubs his eyes and face in an attempt to fully wake, and then sits up to notice he's alone on the ship.

"Where is everyone?" He questions aloud as he stands to get a better view over the sides of the ship.

He instantly notices Soldiers searching other docked ships as Navar stands on the shore talking to a few people near the docks of Peoria. He straps on his swords, leaving his armor on the deck of the ship as he steps onto the pier. He leans down at the edge of the pier and scoops water into his hands. He splashes the water on his face, and then repeats the motion several times until he feels refreshed and awake. He uses the sleeve of his tunic to dry his face as he stands and walks toward Navar. He overhears Navar asking questions about Isabel and the Rebels who took her.

"Thank you." Replies Navar as he turns to see Baschera approaching.

"Any news?" Asks Baschera with a skeptical tone.

"Actually, very good news!" Reveals Navar with excitement. "She was seen being taken off of a ship before being put into a carriage that headed toward Lanagan. We passed right by them at some point."

"Well, hopefully they are still in Lanagan. If we leave now, we should make it there before nightfall, maybe even a little after midday if we hurry." Declares Baschera.

"That's what I figured." Replies Navar. "I already had a few of the Soldiers head into Peoria to buy enough provisions. My stomach has sounded like an angry beast since I awoke."

"You could probably stand to miss a few meals." Laughs Baschera as he pats Navar's stomach. "You're starting to get fat in your old age.

Baschera laughs harder as he hears the rumbling of the beast.

"You weren't kidding!"

"I told you!" Laughs Navar. "Let's go grab our things and head to the stables. I told the Soldiers to meet us there after they dropped off our horses.

"Alright." Agrees Baschera as he heads down the dock and steps onto the ship.

He grabs his armor and steps off the ship before realizing that Navar is still standing in the same place. He gives Navar a confused look as he approaches him.

"Aren't you going to grab your armor?" Asks Baschera.

"Mine is already at the stables. I attached it to my saddle that way I didn't have to carry it." Smiles Navar as he looks at the stunned look on Baschera's face.

"That's messed up! You literally just said let's go grab our things." Retorts Baschera as he walks past Navar.

"Well I wasn't going to carry my armor all the way to the stables. I'm old and fat, remember?" Laughs Navar as he follows behind Baschera who curses under his breath as he carries the heavy armor.

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