Chapter 16

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Baschera walks into the dining hall and grabs a small table and two chairs

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Baschera walks into the dining hall and grabs a small table and two chairs. He takes them outside onto the patio in the courtyard. He puts the table in a secluded area on the patio so they have some privacy. He goes back into the dining hall and heads to the kitchen. "Excuse me ma'am," beckons Baschera trying to get the attention of one of the cooks.

"Yes my Lord," she replies.

"When Lady Fallon comes in to choose what she wants for dinner, could you have our food delivered out to the patio?" he asks.

"Of course my Lord," she answers.

"Thank you. Can you also have a candle holder with a few candles ready as well?" questions Baschera.

"No problem my Lord."

"Thank you so much," adds Baschera. He turns around to see Fallon walk into the dining hall. His eyebrows rise at the sight of her in a lavish evening gown with her hair put up. She walks up to him and gives him a hug. He grabs her hand, leans down, and kisses it. "You look very pretty," he admits.

"Thank you. You look pretty nice yourself," claims Fallon.

"Thank you. Are you ready to eat?"

"I am starving." Answers Fallon.

He motions her to go first. They order their food and then the cook Baschera spoke to hands him a multi-candle candleholder with the candles already lit.

"What's that for?" She asks.

"You'll see." He replies with a grin as he guides her out to the patio.

He walks over to the table he set up and places the candleholder down in the middle of the table. She has a permanent smile on her face as he pulls her chair out for her to sit down.

"This is really nice." She admits still smiling as she sits down.

"This is just the beginning." Baschera proclaims.

A server rounds the corner with their food and sits down their plates. He places silverware next to their plates and then pulls two wine glasses from his apron and puts them on the table. He pulls the cork from the bottle and slowly pours some into each glass and then sits the bottle down on table. He nods toward Baschera and then walks back into the dining hall.

"I didn't realize you knew how to be fancy." Jokes Fallon.

"I have my moments." Declares Baschera.

"I want to apologize for earlier today. I didn't mean to react the way I did, and I'm sorry I didn't explain anything."

"It's alright. I just didn't understand why you couldn't tell me where you learned it. It's not a big deal though."

"Well, I want to tell you, but if I do, you can't say anything to anyone." Pleads Fallon.

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