Chapter 54

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Zane stares at Marie's fully nude body as her dress falls to the floor

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Zane stares at Marie's fully nude body as her dress falls to the floor. His eyes widen with surprise.

She closes the distance between them and grabs him, instantly noticing his excitement. "That feels inviting," she confesses.

His heart beats faster, but he pulls away from her.

"What's the matter?" She questions as she attempts to grab him again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested," admits Zane as he blocks her attempt.

"Your body says differently," she argues with a smirk as she looks down.

"Any man would have the same problem if a beautiful woman stood nude before him. However, what happens beneath my trousers is no indication of what will happen here. I am spoken for," he explains.

"I won't say anything if that's what you're worried about," she continues.

"I don't know how things work here in Brinonberg, but when I make a commitment, I stick to my word. Now please put your clothes back on," insists Zane.

"Well this is a first," admits Marie with disappointment as she bends down to grab her dress.

Zane attempts to avert his eyes as she bends over in front of him. "I'm sure many other men would be happy to oblige. Obviously you are very beautiful," admits Zane.

She steps into her dress and pulls it up to cover her nudeness. "They don't look like Lord Hagan though," she retorts as she plops down in a chair at the dining table.

"Is that what this is about? Did you have feelings for him?" He questions.

"I was in love with him, but he loved Lady Lia," she reveals.

"Whatever you feel for him cannot be replaced simply because I look like him. I know you don't want to hear this, but you have to move on. Find someone who doesn't remind you of my father and I'm sure you'll find happiness," he proclaims as he sits next to her.

"You are right. I guess I have been trying to substitute those who remind me of Hagan. I'm sorry I put you in that situation," she admits.

"I can't deny it wasn't enticing, but you don't need to throw yourself at men for them to notice you. Your beauty, even with clothes on, gains their attention already, but why not go for someone who is near your own age?" He asks.

"Thank you. You are very kind. I had offers in the past, but they didn't come from Hagan, so I wasn't really interested. Although, there was one man who showed interest that I gave consideration to, and he still hasn't gotten married."

"Who, if you don't mind me asking?

"Your Uncle Navar," she reveals. "Everyone knew he was in love with Lady Cecilia though. When she married Prince Tercius, he completely shut down and didn't try to pursue anyone for a while. Eventually, he pursued me, but I felt like he only wanted me because he couldn't have Cecilia. Plus, I was still stuck on Hagan even though he was long gone at that point."

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