Chapter 4

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As Baschera and Dekker approach the door to their first class of the day, Prince Asher approaches

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As Baschera and Dekker approach the door to their first class of the day, Prince Asher approaches.

"A bit warm by the window to the girl's bath isn't it?" Asher suggests slyly.

"Hey, a man's got to try, right?" responds Baschera with a grin. "How could you tell?"

"I overheard Lady Mary yelling at you, plus your tunic is still drenched in sweat," admits Asher. "you may want to start being a little more careful.

"What are they going to do to me, expel me? My father and cousin are both princes. They don't exactly have the authority to expel me no matter what I do. Besides, it's not like I'm using my status to sleep with all of them. They should be grateful," announces Baschera with a smile.

Asher laughs. "Grateful because it would be horribly displeasing."

"I've yet to have any complaints. I still don't know why you haven't pulled the Prince card yet," adds Baschera grinning.

"Maybe because I'm not an ass like you Baschera!" retorts Asher. "Plus, you seem to have forgotten that my mother happens to be the Queen Regent. She could very well kick the both of us out of here, and may do so if you don't calm your careless actions."

"Don't get your tunic in a twist!" retorts Baschera. "I'm honestly not that concerned about it. This kingdom needs me a lot more than I need it. The kingdom of Demure won't stay peaceful forever. It's not in their nature. Everyone knows Taraquin will be counting on me when that day comes."

"Look, I don't really care what you do, just as long as you don't bring unneeded attention with your careless actions," declares Asher.

"Well thanks for the approval cousin, but I was going to do what I want anyway," retorts Baschera with a grin.

"As long as you stay away from the girls bath," orders Asher.

"Why? Who don't you want me to see in there?" questions Baschera.

"Just do as you're told for a change," orders Asher.

"You should know me better than that cousin," declares Baschera with a smile.

"You joke, but I'm serious damn it," retorts Asher.

"I'll stay away if you'll stop your obsessive whining about it. I swear, you're starting to sound more and more like Dekker," returns Baschera joking. 

"Hey, why do you have to bring me into your lovers quarrel?" questions Dekker.

"One of these days you're going to push me far enough that I have to do something drastic," warns Asher.

"Oh yeah, like what?" questions Baschera as he smirks with doubt.

"Maybe when I become king I'll just strip you of all your titles," retorts Asher as he laughs loudly.

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