Long time no write

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So. It's been a while. Ummm some new things, Kane had a crush for about a week on this girl. Claire and I have been going on long walks a lot recently. Erin told me that's he feels left out when Claire and I are in tune with each other. And I'm finally excited about college. I haven't stressed out a while now. It's refreshing. I'm graduating Summa, going to a decent school with my bro, I just got awarded money for school. I have great friends and am finding it easier to make new friends. Everything is good right now, I hope it lasts. I got my mom a great Mother's Day gift, I got her a really pretty flower pot that she is stoked about, sunglasses that she has told me multiple times to get her and a jumbo card. She texted me earlier today telling me she loved the gifs and is putting them all to good use. I've started planning my dorm. School is wrapping up, I'm only taking one final, I'm super excited about my inquiry presentation for English and I have a great idea for my final APES project, paper mache body con dress. I recently found 3 pairs of sunglasses I forgot I had, bringing my total to 6 pairs. I have a body that I'm not punishing anymore, or haven't been lately. My life seems to be in pretty good order, a few months ago I wouldn't have ever thought my life was going to feel this good tbh. Last year I wouldn't have imagined it being good in general. I'm feeling good about life! I'm so pumped for college. I've got good friends, and a greater family, opportunities most people don't get. I'm so happy. Honestly. Today was uneventful but a great day. If you're ever feeling down or like life won't get better, it does I promise. I've felt like that before but days like this are what keep me going! I'm stoked for what life has to offer.

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