Disastrous Week

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Okay so today is MLK day and this past week was my first full week back at school after the two week break. It was more or less awful. If this sets the mood for the rest of the year, I'm screwed.... so let's begin, Monday I get hit in the school parking lot totally not my fault! I was driving and then all of a sudden this guy pulls out and so I stop but he doesn't see me and driving right over my left headlight! He was looking in the direction he was Turing rather than the direction cars could be coming from! So yeah I had to wait for my mom and to get there and examine the damage, it wasn't that bad but it was a tad frustrating and yeah. So a while back I ran over the rick wall in front of my house and made a dent in my car, I never told my mom. So when we were waiting for the guy's dad she noticed I and I was royally screwed... I lied, I'll be honest (shocker) and told her I had no idea how it happened and stuff like that. So the next day Tuesday she calls me during lunch and tells me I better tell her the truth because the guy who works at the body shop said only the driver could have done it so I have to come clean. She tells me that she is more upset that I lied to her rather than denying my car. I can tell I'm going to get an ear full when I get home. As I'm leaving lunch, being the most clumsy person I am, I jump off the little wall and fall in my face..... it was funny but also extremely embarrassing.... I landed in a fetal position and I swear it's because my legs were sore from exceeding for the first time ever! Kane, Claire and I laugh all the way to fifth but I'm also in mild pain. So that happened.... Wednesday went by without a hitch I think. Then come Thursday. I started my period the day before and despite my attempts of double layering, I bleed through..... it's wasn't that much but it was enough for my friend to notice. She asked me if I was on my period and I just think "crap I bleed trough didnt I...." so yeah yet another embarrassing moment for Elizabeth! Yay! On a positive note I think I did really well on part of the call test I took that day! Okay now Friday, nothing too bad happened but I did have to wake up obscenely early to have breakfast with my grandpa. And I'm 100% sure I made a 0 on the call quiz.... joy.... ugh I'm holding onto the fact that my teacher will drop a quiz grade. So yeah that is my not so old very bad but not completely awful week. Oh yeah and I'm mostly over Kane but when he pretends to hit on my it hurts just slightly... we were at a craft store trying to find supplies for Claire's bday present and he put a hat on and was like "hey pretty lady" all 'smooth' and ugh he irks me. Oh and he likes Courtney. Oh and they're probably going to prom together.... so yeah I'm prob going to end up going with Erin and Claire. Which is fine but I wanted to go with Kane even if I didn't like him because I knew we'd have fun and the group could be together at prom. I know he won't hang out with us because he'll have a date and she has other friends and he's never ditch his date not even to talk to us but it's whatever... ugh so yeah. Umm what else.... I didn't fail any classes last semester! Yay!!! I'm pretty much done with school. I get my final rank tomorrow and then I'm officially done giving an eff. Actually I'm not.... I can't bring myself to actually not care about my grades. #worstatbeingasenior on Wednesday after starting my period I had a long pity party with my self. I was actually crying about not having a boy friend and I was snapping Daisy while doing so. I was being so sappy it was disgusting. Anyway that's the gist of my bad week hopefully next week will be better!

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