Courtney Rant

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There are so many things I don't like when it comes to Courtney. So for prom she got a Sherri Hill dress, which is fine, cool good for you. You have parents that will spend hundreds of dollars on you for a school dance yippie. But you don't need to brag about it. You don't need to post on instagram all about how "Sherri Hill makes prom better" that's unnecessary to brag about your hella expensive dress. She's was just trying to get Sherri Hill to repost her pics. She posted like 5 photos in a row about her Sherri Hill dress, that's a little excessive, especially since instagram has a feature where you can post multiple pictures at once. Also she ditched Kane at prom and is now mad at him because he didn't ask her to dance.... well maybe if you actually talked to him during prom he would have asked you... she constantly makes drama of nothing. Kane says so himself, and he is friends with her! She swore him to secrecy about her new boyfriend. Why does it matter!?! We're not in middle school anymore, people date. Big whoop. She gets so mad when Kane tells us (his best friends) things she tells him. Like it's not that personal it's a boyfriend..... it's not a big secret who cares. I'm not going to shout it from the roof tops because, I DONT CARE! Also secrets don't apply to best friends. It's bff code. But why are you trying to make it a secret!?! You're doing it simply for attention. It's not a secret when you tell all your friends.... (she has a lot of friends btw, not like a hand full more like schools full) like stop no. It's not a secret. She has the worst case of single child syndrome. She's braty as hell and hates when people disagree or don't do what she wants...  the world doesn't revolve around you. Kane tells me about how when he's trying to tell you something and you automatically make it about yourself. He's going through shit too, stop being so self centered that you can't help a friend out. Ugh! You're infuriating! You constantly need someone to tell you you're talented and someone to be on your side. You lead good people on just for attention. (Alex and Kane (the ones I know of) )It's rude and it's wrong. Can't you think of someone other than yourself for once. Okay I'm done she was just bothering me.

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