Missed opportunity

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So around 8 Claire texted me asking if I wanted to help her get flowers for her mom because it's her parents anniversary and I was in cause why not. The only problem was that she had to get her wallet from her mom's car that was at a restaurant so we had to take a major detour to do that then we got the flowers. She dropped me back home and a few hours later Victoria snaps me talking about how she wants ice cream. This was around 10:30. I tell her do it go get ice cream. She tells me she doesn't want to go a line and this is where a boyfriend would come in handy. I was like why do you need a boyfriend when you have me! So she asked if I was down and I was like yeah! So we went to sonic and got ice cream. We talked about our prom plan, people and ex boyfriends. The past few days we've been talking about egging her ex boyfriend's car because he did something that is so not okay! I told her to drive by his house so I could see it. He ended up being the only one home so I suggested we go get eggs and those eggs filled with confetti (I can't spell the actual name...) so the confetti will stick. It legit takes us 5 minutes by when we get back his bitch ass was gone! Wtfffff. She called it she said as we were getting eggs that he probably left to go party. She was right. It was a failed mission. It was the perfect opportunity because he was the only one home. Oh well we'll get him next time when Kendall is with us. She wanted to help egg his car but was busy tonight. Plus my idea to egg it today was on a whim because he was the only one home. So that's our egging gone wrong. 😂😂 it was pretty funny, Vic was pissed but oh well. There is always tomorrow 😂. Claire and I are planning on going shopping for make up and accessories tomorrow and I'm going to practice doing her make up for prom since she wants me to do it for her. I'm super happy about that because I love doing other people's makeup! Anyway that was my fun little story. Got back home around midnight after my two adventures with friends.

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