November 11/12th 2016

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So I have this crush, and it's big, I'm constantly thinking about him and he is a big reason I am writing this. I can't sleep because of him. I'm going to make up a name for him, how about Kane, simply because I like the name. Anyway Kane and I are friends, pretty good friends considering we've only known each other a few months. At the beginning of my senior year, a week in I changed my schedule and ended up in my current 6th period class, calculus AB. My friend Claire was in it and she had a few other friends: Erin and Kane. On of my first days in the class we were working on homework and the four of us scoot our desks up to Claire's and began talking. We all immediately clicked and since then have become good friends. We hang out at Starbucks at least once a week after school and nearly every weekend, going to the movies or hanging out at my house, it's loads of fun. Probably since the first or second time we hung out I started liking Kane. He was funny, intelligent, adorable and the sweetest person. I still find it weird since I've known of him since middle school and always thought he was so strange, little did I know I'd have the biggest crush on him. Another funny thing is that we all had freshman biology together! What a coincidence. Anyway I realized I really liked him when I was waiting for him and Claire to head to 5th period. I saw him walking down the hill and my stomach did a flip, he groomed his hair as we made eye contact and I knew then. What strengthened my attraction to him was when we were at Starbucks, just the two of us. We were all supposed to meet to study for the calc test the next day but Erin couldn't and Claire was sick. This was the first time we hung out together just he two of us and I had a great time. He not only taught me everything but I felt like he could like me back. The whole time our knees were touching under the table and neither of us moved our legs, I could be reading into it too much but that's beside the point. While we were studying we start talking about pen tricks I showed him the ones I knew and he showed me his. At one point he clicks the pen open and drops it vertically so it will bounce up. As he did it the second time, being the slightly cocky person I am I try to grab it to show off. We end up grabbing it a the same time, my hand holding his. We look at each other and start laughing as I release. It wasn't awkward at all. I find it so easy to talk to him.  We just click you know? And what is even better is I got a 91 on that calculus test! Every test we study for together I get a better grade on that the ones we don't study for together. So that's the basic background to my blossoming crush. Now on to the real point of this, today we went to see Doctor Strange, and him and I are both big marvel fans. It all started when I sent in the grext that I was extremely bored and needed to get out. At first only Claire and Erin answered but he did eventually. We decided to meet up a the craft store just because, I am the first to arrive and start walking around aimlessly playing with stuff and being weird. Claire and Erin show up and we talk and goof around the store. He shows up eventually and we continue to loiter around the store with no real clue as to why. We eventually decide we should probably do something that doesn't involve wandering aimlessly in a craft store and move our original plan for Saturday to today. We look up times and see that it starts in less than 7 minutes. We rush to the movie theater and find there are no more available seats  and instead buy tickets for the next showing in an hour and a half. We go to a near by Starbucks to kill time. We talk and laugh as usual before the movie ends up ending only an hour away. We head back to the theater and chill out in the trunk of my car in the parking lot. To anyone else we'd seem high, but we were just having a good time. We did cartwheels and talked about our favorite show Psych, quoting all the episodes we could remember. Kane is prepared for anything so he brings out a picnic blanket for us to lay on and I lay between him and Erin. We laugh and talk until the movie is about to start. We head inside and try to decide who would sit with who. I, being stupid as usual, pick the seat farthest from him.... Not one of my most proud moments that's for sure. I'll explain later why I didn't automatically sit by him. Anyway we watch the movie and I constantly try to catch his eye during it, my attempts mostly fail unfortunately. At the end of the movie he and I start nerding out about how amazing the movie was while Erin and Claire walk behind us. We all go our separate ways. I go home and finish a movie I was watching earlier and think about how awesome the movie was. Then as usual my thoughts float to that annoying boy I can't stop thinking about. That leads you to now, 12:52 am on November 12th 2016.  I'm writing everything down, I already sent the sappy stuff to my friend but still needed and outlet to express my annoyance. Now that I think about it I have more things to tell you all but for now I must sleep. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

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