The best gift giver

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Lol so it finally reached freezing where I live and my dogs' water owl froze over. One of my dogs was aggressively licking the ice trying to drink, so I broke it for her and she was pleased to get a drink.
So on an uneventful day I dip a bit more into my past and such because I'll probably be bored one day over the break and I haven't explained much about me and why I am who I am.
So this girl just walked in with a bunch of bags in her hands, presents for friends and she has been bringing bags in for the past few days, honestly I would not want that many friends.... Too much money to spend that I don't have lol. Thank goodness we decided on secret Santa rather than getting all three of them presents. I mean it's not that much but to get decent presents it would add up. Still need to go shopping for Erin... Oops. I just remembered that Kane is having a party Wednesday... Oh shit. I also noticed over the weekend that I have at least one of his friends in everyone of my classes except forensics.
So Zane walked into English and immediately told me he forgot the garlic bread for food science.... The fuck!? He is the one who wanted it and I texted him reminding him twice yesterday! One time in the grext and another time in a personal thread. What the hell.... He is so irresponsible and annoying but attractive but no. Never gonna happen.
Oh funny-ish think happened last Friday that I didn't say earlier. So I was wali g with Kane and Claire and these guys were like playing around and being idiots on the stairs. I was walking to my doom, aka my calculus final and I had enough. So I pushed the guy in from of me out of my way because he deserved it and as I was walking away I heard him say "yo that little girl just fucking pushed me" I laughed and so did Claire. Be in mind I'm 5 foot 0! Petite and Asian but I can be mean if I want, I'll break you, don't think I can't. Random proud moment, I love how my lips turned out today for the past few days I've been trying his new liquid lipstick combo and I love it. They're both matte but it looks kind of like gloss because I used a metallic lip.
When Claire and Erin were over the other day I was like "I'm going to get over him (Kane) because nothing is going to happen" and Claire was like "you say that but the next time you see him you'll forget about your plan". She knows me too well....
So we made the chicken Alfredo in food science and it was good. Apparently Zane got the bread but left it at his house... I also realized how cute of a smile he has, like it's adorable like little boy adorable. Considering he isn't really our friend he sits with us all the time like we don't have assigned seats and he could sit with his friends but he chooses to sit with us which is nice.
I was talking to Kendall and Victoria about Kane and Victoria read out texts she says he seemed to be avoiding the topic. I thought so too, kind of. I also heard a bit today about the party he went to the other day apparently it was fun, I'm not really friends with her so I wasn't invited, we really only smile when we make eye contact in APES. She is the girl Claire thinks that Kane likes. Kane really isn't her type though, so hopefully not. We were friends freshman and sophomore year but we weren't that close so we grew apart easily. *sigh* anyway yeah high school.... Such a confusing time. Until this year I wasn't really a "teenager" honestly...
I'm pretty sure Kane doesn't like me. Kendall was like y'all would be cute together and so did Claire but I think  we're better as friends. It's whatever, I'll get over this crush eventually.... I see him next period so we'll see.
This one chick was like "God already knows what you're going to make on the test." Okay I get believing in something but what I don't get is that your fate is sealed. Like no I don't like the idea that I don't actually have a choice, why would we make decisions if everything is already decided for us? To trick us into thinking we didn't have one path in life that was predetermined. Do we not get a say in our life? I can't accept that, I can't believe that we have no influence over our own life. Free will is so important. I don't like the idea that I have zero control... Cause again I'm a control freak! 😂
So for our forensics final we were doing stations and the guy across from Claire and I was humming Phantom of the Opera and I pointed it out and he looked so shocked. lol he was like "how'd you know?" And then Claire was like "I love how you just creepily listen and then blurt out how you know the song." Honestly didn't even know he was a person in my class he is super quiet I guess. The final was easy though. Tonight I'm going to do a ton of studying for all my tests tomorrow, English and APES, plus my long add review for government.
Claire went home sick so Kane and I walked to calc together I saw Julia walking down the stairs and subtly pointed to Kane like "this is him!" I told him about the guy singing Phantom of the Opera and so we started talking about our fav songs from it, we've told each other our fave songs multiple times but I'll keep telling him. His is Down Once More while mine is Angle of Music. We talked the whole way to calc but when we got there we went quiet. We both got on our phones and Erin studied. Found out what I got on calculus.... 68...... With a 20 point curve. So I actually got a 48..... And everyone else was like I got a 93!? And I'm over here like ummmmm fuck... However I got the grade I needed to keep a B in the class! Yay! Anyway I was reading on my phone when Kane turns his phone off and puts it away then lays his head down and looks at me he says "I'm tired." And I look up and ask "what?" The he just doesn't respond and turns toward Erin and looks over her notes. What even I was so confused.... He had his body turned toward me but I couldn't look at him at all. It just felt weird.... We talked quiet a bit during lunch and on our way to calc but minimally in calc.
After school I met my mom at Walmart and we shopped I was looking for a gift for Erin when I found this awesome gift that I would get for Kane if he was my person for secret Santa then I thought why do I just get all of them a small thing. Then I saw that there were different kinds of the things I was getting and decided to get three. Omfg it's the coolest gift ever. They are table rob games of Pool, Air Hockey, and Foosball! They're so cute and cool. I'm so excited they're for all of us to play with instead of one gift for one person I got a gift for us all. I can't wait to see they're faces when they get it!!! It seems like so much fun and I can't wait to play with them, I'm seven.... 😂😂😂 I didn't study for APES or English or start my gov review... Oops.... I'm going back to get more of the table top things for my brother and I because they're awesome! They were 9.94$ how could I not get them!? I'm going to get the air hockey for myself and the pool for my bro. I'm not sure if they are each going to take them home because we're usually at my house but they can if they want. So yeah I'm super excited and pleased with my find. I hope they like them, I know Kane will think they're just as cool as I think they are because I first thought of him when I saw it.

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