Merry Christmas Adam

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Now it's time to clean my house..... Jus finished my chapter about Courtney's party and I don't want to get up. A family friend Diana is here (the one I volunteer with) and is talking with my mom, I need to get up but i can't!!! ☹️ oh forgot to mention is the last chapter that I woke up and looked up if I was in love with Kane cause honestly it feel different from any other crush. I don't want to be because unreciprocated crushes are bad enough let alone full blown love.... I doubt I do though. Like no never gonna happen get over it Elizabeth!
So I cleaned the house a bit. Finished my bathroom and started on my bedroom. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and my family decided to have Christmas on Christmas Eve because my other mother won a ham at work and she can't cook so my mom is. However my mom doesn't want to spend her Christmas cooking for her so she is doing it on the eve of. On Christmas we are going to my aunt's who I haven't seen in about a year despite her living about 7 minutes away. Last year her and my mom had a bit of a falling out. Backstory time!
So last October (2015) I saw on my cousin's snap story him doing a weed deal with one of his stupid friends. My cousin is 8 months younger than I and an idiot all the way around. I love him but he's stupid beyond belief. We got out license around the same time and he has already wrecked his car that he got and their truck.... He is supposedly a better driver than I and did all of that in less than 8 months.... Anyway I told my mom because he is 16 and smoking pot.... It was the right thing to do. Plus if he is going to smoke pot do it responsibly or don't be an idiot and post about it!? Like he made it my business by putting it on his story. I care about him so he'll yeah I'm going to express concern! He was being reckless by posting it. She called my aunt and tells her but instead of saying she'll talk to him and be a parent she accuses my brother of being a drug dealer! What the hell like no. She said that Adam, my older cousin/ Nate's older brother (the idiot), got all his pot from my brother. While that may be true that's not the issue at hand and why would you all of a sudden dried to say that shit. You tell their parent when you find out not when your idiot son is doing thing she shouldn't. My mom got really pissed and didn't talk to her until this year right before thanksgiving. Usually they would come and have dinner at our house but not last year or this year. And last year we didn't see them at Christmas. My mom agreed to make Nate a cake for his birthday (Christmas day) and so we are going over there for burgers. So yeah gonna see my cuz after a year of no contact. I love him and all but man sometimes he gets on my last nerve. Hopefully it's not awkward.... Anyway yeah.
So I think Kane either likes Claire, Courtney or no one. That's an option I guess too. I'm breaking out because of that damn boy..... Ugh stupid teen hormonal shit. He has been hanging out with Courtney a lot lately, more than usual. ☹️ anyway done with him. So lately I've been having these moments where I'm just like FLAWSSSSS look at all your flawsssss!!! It hits me hard and with no mercy. *loud sigh*
I forgot to say a few days ago that Rachel finally talked to me normally Wednesday. She told me that her crush wrote her this sweet card in her Christmas gift. She talked me like normal which felt good. Also Natalie gave me a little coin purse and hand sanitizer with 10 attached to it for Christmas lol. I ordered her Psych The Musical and for Rachel I got her a fox candle holder. Imma drop it off at some point with a card.
I was taking to Claire and she is so nice, I was telling her about how I wish I could be more like her because she is so selfless and considerate, ugh goals. Anyway she was like how can I help you with the Kane thing? I told her to tell me to stop me when I'm talking about him in a more than friends kind of way. So I'm going to try to stop writing so much about him and thinking about him. We made a plan to all clean our cars together 😂 we're so dumb. That's what we are going to do Wednesday, Tuesday we are going to have our secret Santa exchange. Monday I'm am making it a must that I finally have my relaxing bubble bath and face mask time. Sometime in the next two rays or so I need to pick up drain cleaner.... My drain is clogged 😷.

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