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So I'm Elizabeth, and I'm going to tell y'all about my fairly mundane life. At times it's boring and very uneventful but I need a way to vent and explain my life without feeling like I'm a burden to my friends. I feel like I'm constantly talking about myself when my friends also have things going on, so this is my outlet. Writing it all down so I don't feel like a burden. The only people who are reading this will being doing it voluntarily, hopefully anyway.
Before I begin sharing the current state I am in I shall give you a glimpse into my past. It's by far tragic or extraordinary but it might be important information, I have no idea because I'm writing this on a whim. It's currently 12:17 and I can't sleep to save my life. Basically it begins with my birth, obviously, but I don't have a traditional background. I was adopted and sure that's nothing new but it plays a significant role in my life. I was originally born in China in 1999 and brought to the United States in 2000, 10 months after my birth. I was adopted into the best family a girl could ask for. Two women adopted me, yes women as in they are lesbians! I have an older brother that I just adore. My moms separated when I was in the 7th grade and I am currently a senior in high school. So that basically all. There is more to my past but I'll get to that when it comes up. I'm not sure what is going to happen with this story but I'm going to tell you how it is, my life I mean.

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