New crush?

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Okay so I've talked about Zane before, the guy in my food science group. Yeah anyway I like him. I think he is adorable and super attractive. He's pretty nice and thinks I'm funny which is cool. However even by some miracle he liked me back. We would NEVER work. Don't we all have that crush on a person that a relationship would just never work with. He's that crush of mine. Like we banter and tease each other and it's cute, however we're such polar opposites that we'd never work. And I know that however I still like him. He has the cutest smile by the way. We have absolutely nothing in common and our personalities are on two different sides of the spectrum. He's he cool party boy, that also does well in school and I'm the nerdy shy girl. It sounds super cliche, I know but this isn't a story book. Our friends are so different and I act like the "cool" version of me in the classes we have together. Plus if we weren't in the same kitchen we'd never talk I guarantee it. I'm so obnoxiously weird and annoying but I don't let my true self show through in food science. I act as cool as a cucumber in that class, if you hadn't noticed that is so far from me. The closest thing we have to having something in common is that he has the same name as my brother... and they don't even have that the same my brother spells it differently! So yeah I should probably get over this infatuation soon.... I've already had thoughts about prom that involve him... ABORT MISSION! I REPEAT ABORT MISSION!!! But he is very cute and thinks I'm funny which is pretty much all the qualifications you need to become my crush... oh and breathing! I easily fall into lust, it's bad. I should work on that... anyway byeeeee! I have a busy February so I'll have lots to update y'all on. I've had nothing that big going on so that's why I haven't written in a while.

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