Cute Moments

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We've had some pretty cute moments I must say. I've told you about the pens thing and the park thing. But there was this one time we were eating lunch and Claire was upset so Erin talked to her. He and I were just wondering why she was upset she wouldn't tell us. So we strike up a conversation about deaths and funerals for some unknown reason. He first talks about how he'd want his body to zip line above the people attending his funeral and to be dropped into the casket. He is so weird but honestly that would be awesome. Then he changes it to wanting to be cremated which is how I'd want to be put to rest. He says that he'd be cremated and he'd want all his loved ones to attend a gathering. Then I interject and am like "ewwww eww ew you're so gross" before he even finishes his statement. I already know what he is about to say. I finish his thought for him by saying, "you're going to have someone spread your ashes on the food so people can eat you." And he bursts out laughing and nodding. He says that's exactly what he was going to say and that he'd wants whoever his best friend is to say "we will all leave here with a piece of Kane" and all the people will think it's deep and philosophical. I shake my head smiling and call him a sick freak. I know what he is thinking most of the time actually I know what he is going to say. Usually when someone says something we think of the same thing after. He or I will say what we are thinking and the other agrees. We think very similar, almost to the point where its kind of scary.
There was this one time actually where I was on our school news thing for club day and I'm in quite a few clubs so I had to speak on behalf of two clubs. He teasingly texted me when I came on. At lunch he brought it up and I was super embarrassed because I looked so gross but he was like no you didn't you looked good and I may have blushed a bit, but luckily he is color blind and can't see me blush. SCORE!
Other cute moments are when one of us is telling a joke and the other beats the other to the punchline. Its pretty cute because we have the same humor, it's usually a pun or a stupid joke no one else laughs at besides us. We're both pretty nerdy. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who sees how alike we are, I hope not, but I probably am. I always think too much into things and end up getting hurt. There is more to my life than this one boy I swear, but lately he has always been on my mind. Trust me it's just as annoying for me as it is for you. I truly hate when a girl's or guy's world revolves around their significant other. Like I get them being "the center of your universe" and all but have a life outside of them. Don't make that you're only bliss in life is being with that one person. Crushes are the absolute worst... You constantly think about if they like you back or if you did something they might not like. You second guess every choice you make around them and every word you utter when they are near. It's ridiculous, you shouldn't have to only think about one thing. Sure I like Kane, a lot but if only I didn't cause honestly there are some other guys that are extremely attractive too. My mom told me about this waiter at Pizza Hut that is cute and sweet and there is a guy who just started at school that is so gorgeous. And yet I can barely think about them without that asshole popping into my head. What a jerk for being so damn likable.... What's annoying on top of him being so freaking cute is that every other girl who has had even the slightest interaction with him immediately fall for his charm and wits. When I told him and he thanked me I said, "oh look another girl to add to your pile of girls with a crush on you." He talks a lot about how he gets all these girl's numbers and I'm like what the hell Kane!?! Thought you didn't want a relationship and yet you're getting numbers left and right what the hell is that! He is such an inconsiderate jerk sometimes! But sweet as hell at the same time. I wish he had a bad bone in his body..... He is too damn sweet! He is a gentleman, he is caring, funny artistic, intelligent, nerdy. He never does anything to make anyone feel like they are less than him. He has an "ego" but not really, it's only ever in a joking matter. He always comments about how hot he is and he'll pretend to lick his finger and puts it on his face, he'll add a sizzling noise for affect. He is so dumb but I love it.

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