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So Zane took a picture of my legs the other day... 😂 he said it was by accident but I'm not sure. Kendall and Victoria think he is creepy for doing it but honestly he admitted it so if he was doing it in a creepy way he wouldn't have right? Plus is was on a school iPad not his phone.
Lately we've been talking more and we banter everyday. We tease each other all the time and it's adorable. The same day Kendall was staying after to make sure our food cooked so we didn't walk together to third. Zane was behind me pretty much the whole way to third and I felt his eyes one me. Idk though I didn't look back.
So later that day, Friday the calculus group came over to my house and we hung out. We started playing charades but we decided we weren't tired drunk yet so it was boring. We went out to eat and there Kane, Erin and I decided to split a sundae. We kept making jokes about having a threesome because we are all just that comfortable and I made this great joke that I though of so quickly and am so proud of. It's very crude fair warning. So Erin was like if there are cherries you [Kane] can have them because neither of us like them. And I was like yeah you can pop both of our cherries. 😂😂😂 it was so quick and so good. I'm so proud but also not. 😂😂
Anyway we left acting like we were drunk, we weren't but we were all acting super goofy and laughing uncontrollably. Clara didn't eat at the restaurant and stoped by Chipotle in our way back to my house. She told us to wait and she would only bring Erin in. So at first I was like crap we're [Kane and I] just going to sit in silence. But we ended up talking the whole time! At first I was jokes then he asked me about Rachel and we talked about friendships and such. It was real deep. I forgot a big thing I wanted to talk about because he started talking. (The next day I remembered and I texted him. We talked back and forth for a bit he tried to give me advice but I'm going with what I originally planned to do.) we drive back to my house played charades and then started dancing around while a tribe light was one. I was terrified because you can't see full motions so everything was moving in slow mo and scared me. I'm not sure why. But I actually screamed and got into fetal position.
After that we kept the hits off and it's talked. Kane brought up lists of questions from truth or dare and we just all shared. Some of it got really deep but not too much. I made sure of that. So yeah I think hat brought us closer tbh cause we all talked about our insecurities and how it affects how we act. For me my insecurities drive how I act and how I respond to things. Sometimes in the opposite way. When we started getting tired I walked them all out but before I had to show them the worst parking job I'd ever seen lol. After I was standing there and Claire walked off while Kane lingered there. He didn't walk off until I did. It seemed kind weird.
After they left I was more confused than ever about feelings. Kane seemed to kinda like me and stuff. I'm pretty sure he doesn't cause no, but still. I was laying on my coffee table cause it's comfortable and he was looking at me quite a lot. After any question that was like "what quality would you want in a bf/gf?" He's say "interesting" after I answered. Plus every time Erin or I bring up Zane he is like "ew no, incest." Because that's my brother's name too and I'm like "different Zane. 🙄" While they were over he replied with "nope there is only one Zane, your brother." Like he refuses to acknowledge Zane. I mentioned a few times to Erin that if I had the confidence I'd ask Zane to prom maybe and she always teases me about it and thinks I should where as Claire is like noooo! Since he is popular and everyone would find out if I got rejected, which is very likely.
So yeah that's where I'm at.
Zane asked for a fist bump the other day. 😂 that was lame but I thought it was cute. He has been showing interest in me lately, idk if it's that kind of interest but he looks at me more and talks to me more so idk. We'll see. Btw I'm adding this part after I originally published it because I don't feel like writing a new part. That's really all I wanted to say. Oh and my ortho lied again. I didn't get my braces off today. 🙄🖕🏻

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