Senior lunch in

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We have a senior thing today, it's a lunch in, I've heard it's lame but I don't want to go to class, senioritus to the extreme. It was lame... And the food wasn't even that good... It was Italian, crappy Italian. The bread was good though. Kane didn't sit with us he say with some of his other fiends because according to him, he doesn't "see them during the day" which is cool because he was annoying me.... I was trying to teach Erin how to do optimization during lunch and he butted in and helped her instead even though she asked for MY help! And he tried to give me a high five as he was explaining and I'm trying to explain it simpler. I didn't give him one cause no he was being a jerk and talking over me when I was doing my thing.
Two more days until thanksgiving break!!! Yay! I'm so done with school. And if you were wondering I in fact did fail my APES test... I'm not gonna stress cause it's whatever. But it numbed me out... However today we took it in groups and she said she is going to take the higher of the two grades, it's a stupid system that is rigged in our favor no doubt but I'm okay with that. She put me in a group with people who got higher grades than me, so I'm bound to get a higher grade. It would make more sense if she put us in groups where we all got similar grades but noooo she makes it too easy. But I'm not complaining.
Being a senior sucks it's not as fun as I had hoped....

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