Paper airplane mishap

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He called me the token Asian of calculus. Idk why that makes me happy but he did and there is another girl that is Asian in our class. He doesn't know her but he still called me the token Asian! Ekkkkk and he kept talking about my hair when I was walking in front of him. He called it a kangaroo because it bounces, I curled it today. It's still not a marsupial... But anyway it was cute and I didn't eat lunch with him and the others which I didn't mind but after I kinda wish I had.... Idk I missed talking to him I guess... We didn't get to talk as much since I didn't eat in the library. But I also had fun in the normal cafeteria. Ughh I smile way too much to be normal around him.
Are you freaking serious!!!! A flipping paper air plane flew into my flipping eye!!! I was walking to my car and a paper air plane came from down stairs and hit me in the eye!!!!!!! Wtf! People like winced when they saw I walked out like it was nothing. Fuck people! I hate people! It actually hurt... And there is an indention where it hit in the corner of my eye.
I feel like telling him again idk why... In person this time. I'll say somting hung along te lines of "I know you already know but the first time didn't help so maybe this time it will. I still like you." Then walk away or leave. Oh and earlier I brought up phantom of the opera his favorite musical and one of my favorites and I sung it then he'd sing it and gahhhh. Anyway stuff....
Feelings are dumb why do we have them??? I honestly don't understand them. Like why does our head/heart all of a sudden go "oh I like this person, I like everything about them. I'm going to obsess over them and think about them 24/7." Like what the heck!? No stomach stop doing that flip thing and heart stop racing, mouth stop smiling, mind stop thinking. He is so dumb and annoying but u can't help but want to be around him. Why would he even like me? I'm me... He has so many better options than a girl pinning over him. He knows how I feel so if he liked me back why wouldn't he just ask me out?? Oh I know why because he doesn't! And no one probably will because you're a pushy, conceited, ugly, annoying girl that has a big mouth. Why would anyone even want to be near me.... He has lots of options... Better options than me, heck every guy does. *sigh*

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