Mom's birthday

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It's my mom's birthday!!  I left her present on the kitchen table for her to find and she loved it!! Yay!! I hope she would since I put a lot of thought into it.
I'm eating lunch now and it's only Kane and I.... It's a mildly awkward silence. I don't know where Claire is but i hope she is at school. I kinda wanted to talk during lunch but he is doing homework so I don't want to disturb him... During food science we were making marshmallows and I got some in my hair :-( so a few pieces of my hair are hard like I used hair spray. They taste good just are really hard to work with. We were rushing to finish them but we still had to stay after to clean up. Kane made pie for us to eat. It was good the center tasted like fudge I love fudge. We're actually making fudge in food science on Friday with our homemade marshmallows yummy! I was like jumping around sorry. Sometimes I think Kane might like Claire.... For instance the pie. He made a separate piece for her because she doesn't like eating after other people and is gluten free so he got her just the center. Ughhh grrrr but if he did honestly I'd be cool with. Claire is great, but I also know Claire doesn't like him because she is super religious and he isn't so she is like nope! I should probably read my book for book club....
So after the long awkward silence the bell rang and he ran out again! What the hell.... Ugh it's like he never wants to be left alone with me... Whatever it doesn't even matter cause eff it.
I have a love hate relationship with my calculus class. Some people I really don't like but all of us together are so fun. Every Time we sit down to take a quiz we just talk making jokes about the answers and just laughing. Our teacher just shakes her head as we jokingly blurt out answers like "Abraham Lincoln". We take so long to be quiet when we have a quiz, and usually they're timed so we waste our own time because we're great. Lol.
So mildly exciting thing happened. So I was at my grandpa's dropping off groceries and he wanted food so while I'm getting him food I stop by another place in the same area for myself. It was a sandwich place that I had a coupon for. So I go in and am waiting behind this couple and I rip the coupon off the page, I look up and see his guy I kind of liked from last year, mainly because he was cute and laughed at my lame jokes sometimes in my English class last year. Anyway I get a bit tongue tied and don't look him in the eye because hell nah I'm awkward as hell. Anyway he asks me a question and I didn't hear him because I'm awk and thinking about something totally irrelevant. Anyway I later realize he asked me if I wanted pepper and onions which I didn't... Oh well too late to tell him that now! So he had to ask for a name for the order and he's like "Elizabeth right?" Internally I screamed a bit. It was nice to know that he remembered my name even thought we never really talked and isn't in any of my classes this year. Anyway I accidentally give the cashiers the wrong coupon but I was talking to a friend from food science, Kendall, so I just paid full price that was way too much.... Oops.... And idk if I even got the sandwich I really wanted because I didn't want to have to talk to the guy much.... And that's how a person with social anxiety reacts to a cute guy taking her order... It was a major fail but oh well.

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