Random shower thoughts

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So today at lunch we were talking, saying random shower thoughts back and forth while Claire studied. It was kinda cute cause we were each giving each other things to ponder. I was trying to explain things to Claire and he is like "you Elizailse it." And I'm like what?!! What does that mean and he is like "you do the thing you always want to do when you see a square root make it x^1/2 " and I smile cause he remembers that from the first time he tutored me. It's nice that he remembers little things like that. I get to my 5th period and notice I had a text, it was from him to the great and it was a poem. Not like a romantic poem just a silly poem that made me realize how hard the English language is. He knows how much I love poetry..... But how he booked it out the door is still annoying to me. I'll get over it cause he seemed so interested in what I had to say today, it seemed slightly different from how it usually is at lunch. I don't know what it was thought. Last night I looked up how to tell if a Libra likes you (he is a Libra and I'm a Taurus) and multiple websites said to look for a twinkle in their eye, it's hard for me to actually look him in the eye so I didn't see anything.... I fail. Oh! And I told him about one of my favorite books so if he reads it I'll have another hint that he likes me back.
Oh and my mom solved the mail key problem she is going to buy a new one. She isn't too mad which is good.
Pretty sure I failed my AP environmental science test.... I have a one hundred I can take it. Anyway back to Kane, I was looking up signs a guy likes you cause I'm lonely and it said they ask you questions and want to know your opinion on things we did a lot of exchanging our ideas and opinions today.  I just need to be patient because he knows how I feel and he just needs to come to terms with how he does. All I can do is wait... I can deal with that, but I'm going to wait forever. That sounds so dramatic.
Just thought of something semi- funny. I gave him crap for asking, or as he puts it clarifying whether or not difference means subtraction. I called him out and he immediately got defensive and was like, "I was clarifying!" I knew what he meant but I just like to tease him. The teasing isn't just one sided mind you, he teases me constantly. Today he told me he was going to hold me to everything I say. What a jerk. I say things I don't mean sometimes or say something not in the way I wanted to and end up sounding stupid.
Just a while ago I hear little taps on my front door and my immediate reaction was oh it's Kane at my door ready to sweep me off my feet into a horse drawn carriage, pathetic right.... I'm so lonely, I want a boy friend. Kane is one of two guys I actually have had a chance at an actual relationship with. We're friends and we hang out outside of school, we talk a lot and goof around. Things I've never had with another guy that I liked. But then again now I have freedom, I have a car, which comes in handy when trying to find a partner.
So I just talked to Claire and she put a damper on my confidence that Kane likes me back... :-( she thinks he likes this girl Gabby who is in my APES class... she said because he always kind of talks about her, he brings her up a bit but not all the time... Now that I'm thinking about it, it's a possibility. They're really old friends too and he talks about her enough to to raise eyebrows. :-((((((( However he doesn't talk about her as if he likes her.... So that's a plus but still! She is prettier than I, she has known him longer and they talk a lot. She is usually the one he is texting... We barely text each other only ever in the grext. But that also could be because I don't like texting I prefer human to human contact. *sigh* idk I'm not going to worry about it because it's not a big deal. In other news I'm trying to order my cap and gown for graduation but the website is so not user friendly, I don't want a package only the cap and gown that's all! I don't care about shorts or sunglasses just a tassel and the cap and gown, that we are forced to get....
Got out of the shower and thought about something Kane said at Starbucks.... So I was telling how I didn't want to see the movie Friday because I didn't want to be bored on Saturday and how I was all alone and stuff. Then Kane is like "awe if you would have called we could have hung out." Then Claire is like "Nahhh you would have called and I would have replied with nope because I'm not putting on pants." Then he piggybacked off her comment and we started laughing about how lazy we all are. So seems like he would like to hang out. I'm smirking a bit because yessss that was kind of obvious and I'm wondering how I didn't realize that before. If I didn't say it earlier I felt like he was acting more interested in me today, he kept the conversation going when it would usually drift off. Today seemed different as did yesterday.... I feel like I say that a lot.... Anyway I'm going to bed cause I'm so tired, did I mention I woke up at 4:30!!?!

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