Chapter 30:

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Chapter 30:

*Riley's POV*

I woke up to bright sunlight streaming in through the still open window. I was still fully clothed laying on top of our unmade bed using Andy's chest as a pillow. Andy's laptop still sat open at the foot of the bed. We'd been watching The Dark Night Rises and I guess we'd dozed of. I sat up pushing my hair back.

"Baby stay here" Andy murmured taking my hand.

"I will I just wanna close the curtain." I reached over him pulling the curtain closed before laying down again fitting easily into his body.

Ashley's POV

I walked onto the bus with Kellin around noon. The rest of the guys where with A7x.

"Andy" I called to no answer. I went to the back of the bus and peaked into the single bunk area. Riley was passed out on her stomach half on top of Andy using him as a pillow. Andy was also asleep on his back one arm loosely wrapped around Riley. His laptop was open in danger of being pushed of the edge of the bed.

I grabbed the laptop and walked back out to the main area where Kellin was.

"They're both asleep"

"Well they can both get up" he started towards the back of the bus "I'm going to kill both of them"

*Riley's POV*

Bright sunlight literally shattered my dreams and I buried my face in Andy's chest.

"What the fuck?" we whined in unison. I could feel Andy's chest move as he began laughing and I started to laugh.

"Kellin what the hell?" Andy asked. I looked up and sure enough Kellin stood in the corner next to the now very open window looking like he was about to cross us off his hit list.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?"

"What?" I asked honestly confused.

"Look Ash told me about your father and that you two were going to meet him. You're both insane and I'm never leaving you two alone again."

"Kellin if we hadn't gone they would've come here it's easier to get out of bad situations in open areas" Andy explained.

"Bullshit you were thinking that at the time Andy you have the mind of a seagull."

"Baby you are pretty scatter brained" I curled into him again.

"Thanks love" he muttered. What can I say Kellin was completely right.

The last month and a half of Warped past by in a blur. I barely ate at all the whole time and I definitely had archived my goal. The only problem was that the thought of food made me sick.

Andy introduced me to Pierce the Veil A7x and Falling in Reverse. Lets just say I have a lot of phone numbers people would kill for in my contacts.

The last day we loaded the bus for the last time before everyone came over, we were having a small goodbye party. I cleaned the bus up a bit before changing into dark ripped skinnies a BVB top and my studded combat boots. We were all sitting around outside when Kellin walked up with Katelynne Copeland and the rest of SWS in tow.

"Riy" Copeland squeaked when she saw me. I laughed taking her when Kellin handed her over. Vic showed up a while later with PTV closely followed by A7x and FIR.

It was nearly 1 in the morning when everyone finally left for their buses. When we got inside none of us bothered changing or really going to bed at all we just crashed around the living room.

I didn't wake up again until I felt the bus stop, looking out the window I saw our apartment complex and smiled to myself.

"Andy we're home again." I gently shook him awake. He opened his eyes slowly smiling when he realized where we were. We quietly got our stuff careful not to wake the rest of the sleeping guys and exerted the bus but not before I snapped a picture of Ash and Jinxx sleeping in each others arms.

"Jessi we're home" I called through the house.

"Riley!" she screamed throwing herself at me. Alice appeared at the bottom of the stairs a minute later.

"Is Ash here?" she looked down playing with the edge of her shirt.

"No Ali he's going home. You should go talk to him though he's a mess." It was true for the last half of tour Ash had been a complete and utter mess.

"Mkay come on Jess I'll drive you home." Jess grabbed her stuff and they both left waving goodbye. We had the house to ourselves again. Finally a little bit of peace.



Sorry it took so long to update and was so short just a filler better next chapter I promise.

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