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They spent the rest of the night watching TV and cuddling on the sofa like they always would, enjoying each other's company. They fell asleep together a few hours later.
The next morning, a familiar face showed up while they walked down the boardwalk to get to the arcade. It was Rose, the tall lady from their night at the lake. They talked for a while, going together to the arcade and meeting some of the friends she brought along. With her were two more women who made Ruby and Sapphire feel even shorter than they already were: Pearl and Bismuth. Behind them were some more people, but Ruby and Sapphire never really got too close with them. Later on they called Amethyst to come and join the fun. By the end of the afternoon, the arcade was out of tickets because they practically won every game, Sapphire winning the most.
"They're so predictable." Was the only answer she gave when they asked her what her secrets were.
A few months later, Rose and some of the friends that came with her also moved into Beach City. They spent a lot of time with Ruby and Sapphire, and all of them loved it. They finally felt like they belonged, and this group was perfect for them. They were known as the "Power Couple", and that only helped their bond become stronger. Rose was their biggest fan, right after Pearl(she was a helpless romantic, after all). Lapis would eventually come over, but not very often. She found a new girl, and, from what Sapphire heard, her name was Peridot and she was perfect for Lapis. Some months later and they would meet the man, the legend, the heartthrob superstar: Greg Universe.
About four years later, Ruby and Sapphire tied the knot, and, of course, the ceremony was held at a church in Ocean Town. The party was held back at Beach City, and their wedding song was written by Sapphire. Greg helped put the audio together and played the guitar while Sapphire sang for the recording. The song was played while the two danced, and Bismuth ended up crying so hard she had to leave the party for at least an hour.
"It was so beautiful..." was all she could keep repeating when they asked her what was wrong. The next year, Rose and Greg started dating, and Pearl wasn't very happy about that.
Five years after getting married, Ruby and Sapphire moved in with Rose, Amethyst, and Pearl in a house that Greg built. By now, Rose and Greg were practically engaged, but not officially. Bismuth wasn't anywhere near them at this point, and no one really knew why.
Finally, the next year they went to a clinic. They had contemplated whether going through with this or not, but, in the end, both of them agreed. The doctors there confirmed that there was a donor.
Sapphire wasn't able to get pregnant, but Ruby was. The following morning they completed the procedure. Sapphire was so worried for Ruby during all nine months, but the pregnancy went by fast.
On January 4th, eleven years after Ruby and Sapphire fatefully met at a party that neither wanted to go to, Garnet, their healthy, baby daughter, was born.

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