Chapter Sixteen

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A long lecture about dietary habits later, Ruby and Sapphire found themselves at odds with each other. Sapphire didn't care for eating, but Ruby said it was extremely necessary for her to actually eat. No matter what Ruby said. She couldn't get the shorter girl to admit that what she was doing was wrong. She pleaded with her to stop starving herself, but her girlfriend's blank gaze was enough to make her feel as if she were speaking to a brick wall. It didn't even matter that she could see her eyes because nothing was going to change her expression.
"Sapphire, please don't do this to yourself. You're gorgeous the way you are, and you definitely don't need to lose weight."
"You don't know anything, Ruby. You just don't. I need this."
The words struck the taller of the two in a way she couldn't describe with words. It was that same feeling, that same rush of emotion that ran through her when they kissed, but this wasn't the same emotion shooting through her. This was painful, weakening, paralyzing. Ruby felt the tears building up in her eyes, letting them roll down her face in anger, but not furious anger. No, this was more of a loving anger. She hated to see Sapphire like this, and she wanted to kill whoever got the idea in her head that she wasn't perfect the way she was. Sapphire was flawless, especially to Ruby, and she couldn't see how she could ever think otherwise. She walked over to where Sapphire was now standing, gently grabbing her hands and sighing. The expression on Sapphire's face when she saw Ruby cry was no less than remorseful. She didn't mean to upset her this way. Ruby began to speak in a slow and gentle voice.
"Sapphire Blue, you are the most amazing girl I've ever met. You're smart, talented, funny, and absolutely breathtaking. I've never met anyone as incredible as you are, and I'm willing to bet that I never will again. I don't know who told you that you need to starve yourself, but I wish I did so I could beat the living daylights out of 'em. Sapph, you're perfect. You're perfect in every way, and I won't stop until you feel perfect, or, at the very least, beautiful. But please don't starve. It isn't good for you. I don't want to watch you hurt yourself."
Ruby ended by kissing Sapphire's tears away from her cheek. She moved her hands onto the smaller girl's cheeks and caressed them lovingly. Sapphire held her hands in place and sniffled. They looked at each other, not daring to say a word, and they kissed softly. This wasn't the same kind of kisses they were used to, though. This kiss was much more intense, more passionate, as if it would be their very last. They dragged it out as much as possible, tightening grips and pulling each other closer. By the time their kiss ended, Sapphire was sitting on the small counter, and Ruby was standing in front of her, the shorter girl's legs wrapped around the taller's waist. They stared at each other for a few seconds, then quickly proceeded to separate, Ruby stepping back and Sapphire standing up. Their faces were plastered with an undeniable blush, both still smiling from what had just happened. Sapphire went up to Ruby and kissed her gently, but enough to display her feelings of wanting, of needing, Ruby.
It was enough to completely catch the taller girl off-guard, but not enough to stop her from doing what she did next.

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