Chapter Four

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Wearing a ripped up muscle tee and some short that reached halfway up her thighs, a toned-body and buff Ruby walked into the house full of people drinking alcohol and dancing to crappy modern music. In all honesty, she hated parties. She hated how crowded they were. Ruby was just not that into it, but all her friends were, so she pretended that she loved parties, but she hated them. All the girls she met at parties were players or not interested, and Ruby was always polite and careful around them. She never acted rudely towards the girls, even if they did cuss her out of the house they were in. But tonight would be different. Tonight would be good, not awful. She chose to have fun.


Meanwhile Ruby was rethinking her lifestyle, Sapphire was driving to the party. She chose to wear a simple blue skirt and a white shirt, both being tight enough for her to consider flirty, when they actually looked like the most church-girl-esque clothes in existence. She considered going back to her apartment for a while, but she found herself at the front of the house before she had a chance to turn around. As she got out of her gray Nissan, she spotted a girl in a muscle tee walking back and forth on the patio. While she was gawking at the muscles on the girl in front of her, the other noticed.
"Watcha looking at?!" The girl yelled.

Sapphire's stomach dropped immediately.

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