Chapter Forty-Three

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Ruby carefully picked up Sapphire, sitting her in her own lap and holding her tightly. Sapphire hugged back, hiding her face in the crook of Ruby's neck. They were silent, only hearing each other's soft breathing and the gentle waves of the water.
Breaking the silence, Ruby got an alarm notification at exactly midnight.

'New Event'

Ruby grinned widely, pulling Sapphire closer. She whispered in her ear.
"Happy Birthday."
Sapphire smiled, kissing her girlfriend to express her happiness.
"You remembered.." Sapphire's tone was somewhat surprised.
"Of course I did. I love you, and there's no way I'd forget your twentieth birthday. So, how does it feel to be so old?" Ruby chuckled.
Sapphire nudged her and snorted a bit.
"I'm not that old."
"Yes you are~"
"Yes, my Sapphire?"
Both started giggling ecstatically, loosening their grips and slowly moving closer, inch by inch.
Their laughter slowly came to a decrescendo until it was silent again. The taller girl stood up and held her hand out to Sapphire. She gladly took her hand and was pulled up to stand.
"Sapphire Blue, will you give me the honor of dancing with me?"
Sapphire nodded, blushing and smirking a bit at the language Ruby was using.
Ruby started up some music on her phone: a slow song that seemed almost electric, yet soft.
They danced and danced, skirt swaying and curls bouncing, spinning and dips, tight embraces and letting go. This went on for about an hour until Sapphire stopped moving. Ruby asked her what was wrong.
"Nothing, it's just...I really love you, and I don't want to lose you. I've been having really bad dreams of you, and they usually involve you using me for personal gain in several ways...Ruby, I need to know right now if you really do love me or not. I know you've done nothing to make me think you don't, but I just need to know. I'm sorry..."
"Sapphire, I love you. I've never felt this was for anyone, and I'm happy with feeling like this for you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'd never use you or take you for granted. So yeah, I love you, but not because you're rich or attractive, but because of who you are. You're an incredible person. I know you've had a bad life, and I don't blame you for asking whether or not my feelings were true, but I want you to know that I'm here to make all those insecurities go away. I want you to feel beautiful, to trust again, and to want to live."
Sapphire stared at Ruby, expression sincere and loving. She held her close and kissed her cheek, then her palms, the backs of her hands, her neck, and finally her lips. Ruby picked up Sapphire in a bridal-style kind of way, walking back to their spot on the deck. Ruby made her feel so complete, so confident in herself. Sapphire loved her even more for this. She made the insecurities go away, as if they had never been there at all.
Ruby pulled out a small object from her pocket, speaking with a trembling voice.
"Sapph, there's been something I've been meaning to ask."
"What is it?"
Ruby signaled for Sapphire to open her hand. She did so, then Ruby put a cold object in her palm. It was a silver ring with a single diamond on the top.
"I know you don't want to be married yet, but I wanted to ask you if we could be engaged. I've been thinking about this a lot, and I really do want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you."
Sapphire's eye was full of tears, each one trickling down her face. She nodded and placed the ring on her ring-finger. She kissed Ruby, the kiss dragging out for what seemed like an eternity.

Then there was a sound from the forest, like someone was watching them.

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