Chapter Forty-Six

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The next day they set out to another coastal area, renting yet another motel and going to the beach. Sapphire collected seashells, and Ruby almost drown in the waves.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Sapphire asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, hon. It was just a bit of water. Nothing can take me down." Ruby smirked and flexed her muscled.
Sapphire chuckled and hugged her, kissing her salty forehead and then her lips.
"I love you." She cooed, Ruby feeling as if she were melting in happiness.
"I love you, too."
They returned to kissing when Sapphire broke their smooch, hearing someone call her. The voice was familiar.
"Sapphire, is that really you?" The voice beckoned.
Sapphire turned around in horror to see her sister, Lapis, running to her. She was wearing the exact same bathing suit that Sapphire wore.
"Lapis? What are you doing here?"
Lapis finally reached them and answered her little sister.
"Well, after what you told me the last time we spoke, I decided to finally stand up to our parents and tell them off. They never really did anything for me, anyways. Actually, it was when you told them you were gay that I came out as well and left. I've been dating this one girl, and she's really great."
"Who?" Sapphire asked, not knowing that her sister was the least bit gay.
"You remember that really buff bodyguard we had in like 6th grade?"
"Heh, yeah. Her. We're dating."
Sapphire was silent, knowing very well that the relationship wouldn't last. If she knew anything, it was that Jasper was manipulative and brutal as hell. After all, Sapphire did have a small crush on her once. Either way, she just smiled and nodded.
"Do you maybe want to come eat with us later tonight? My treat." Lapis broke the awkward silence.
Sapphire looked at Ruby, unsure. Ruby answered for her with a grin on her face.
"We'd love to."

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