Chapter Nine

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Slightly worried and hesitant, Sapphire walked over to where her phone was and stared at it, contemplating whether she should check what notification she got. She didn't know how, but she knew it was a message from Ruby.
Slowly, she reached for her phone, not turning it on at first. She had spent almost the entire night trying to forget about this girl, begging for her mind to erase the image of her toothy grin, and those toned muscles, and that little button nose that seemed out of place yet perfectly matching in contrast to the rest of her. She tried to forget, but she couldn't. The one night she let her guard down, this happens, and now she has to deal with the consequences of a crush.
Of course she still had to see Ruby in person, they had lots of classes together. She had just never noticed Sapphire in the back of the classroom, being the living embodiment of an antisocial wallflower.
Two minutes had gone by. She finally opened her phone and read the message. Her cheeks instantly flushed to a deep shade of red.
Did Ruby really want to hang out with her?
She stopped herself from smiling happily about the fact that the girl she was so happy around wanted to be around her and began to think about all of the possibilities.

'She probably only wants to have a one night stand with you.'
'Maybe she wants money.'
'Could she possibly want just a friend and I'm reading too much into this?'

Sapphire interrupted her own thoughts and remembered who she was talking about. She didn't even know Ruby that well, but she could tell that she had no bad intentions. For some odd reason, she trusted her.

She began to type and smile to herself whilst thinking about the fun they might have together. She had to admit, the night before was one of the best days of her life, and she wanted more.

S: I'd love to. Where should we meet?

Silently screaming into a pillow, Sapphire realized that she was developing feelings, albeit small feeling, but still feelings.
She had felt as if she was ice cold for years, never making any real friends and rarely ever feeling the warmth of kindness in her life. Ruby gave her that warmth that she needed to survive. And she had to admit, she was getting addicted to it very quickly.
Then Sapphire did something she hadn't done since middle school: she began to hug her pillow, imagining it was something more. She imagined it was Ruby, muscular and tall, yet still delicate in a way. She imagined feeling the unruly, brown curls of the girl in her fingers. The soft brown of her skin dusted over with barely noticeable freckles. She fantasized about laying her head in the crook of her neck, smelling the sweet vanilla scent of whatever amazing perfume she had on the night before. Sapphire took in every aspect and detail of Ruby and hoped that one day she could have it all to herself.
She began to imagine her lips, surprisingly soft compared to the rest of her. In her mind she traced the bottom lip gently, moving up to the top lip and then delicately caressing her cheek, leaning forward and-
Sapphire got a text before she could imagine what her dream-kiss would be like. Nineteen years of age and she had never once been kissed.
As she opened her phone she read the message

R: Would my place be good?

S: Yes.

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