Chapter Forty-Five

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Sapphire woke up first, not having any nightmares. She was extremely happy, and so was Ruby, who woke up about five minutes later. They just laid in bed, staring at each other and stroking the skin of the other's cheek carefully.
"Sapphire, you're gorgeous." Ruby whispered into her ear, making it as breathy as possible, sending shivers down Sapphire's spine. The shorter girl did the same.
"And you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
She gently kissed the shell of Ruby's ear, nuzzling her cheek and then backing away. Ruby smirked at her, flipping over and pinning her to the bed as gently as she could. Sapphire was met with a tickle attack that left her out of breath and in uncontrollable laughter.
"Ruby! Ahaha!! S-sto-ahaha!"
Ruby finally stopped after a few minutes, fully pinning Sapphire down now. The shorter girl stared at Ruby in astonishment, waiting to see what she would do next.
She was surprised to see that, instead of continuing the affectionate gestures, she began to trace some of the scars on her arm. Ruby broke the silence.
"I still can't believe you could have done this to yourself. You're so amazing, and you deserved better than that. You still do.."
Sapphire was silent. Ruby continued.
"I wish I could have been with you sooner. I could have stopped you, I could have made it all better, but instead I spent my time staring at girls who didn't matter and going to parties I didn't even want to go to. You've always been there, in the same classrooms, and I ignored you when I could have been your friend, maybe even more. I could have followed you to Empire City and been with you. I could have helped..I could have saved you. "
Her eyes began to tear up, grip loosening enough for Sapphire to slip loose, sit up, and wipe the forming tears away. She held Ruby close.
"Ruby," Sapphire began, "even if you had been there, I still would have done it. I did it even before I was sent back and forth from Empire City to Beach City. Sure I spent only a few months at a time in Empire City, but Beach City has always been my home. Now you're my home, and what I did to myself before doesn't matter. I'm better now, and I'm better because of you. You've already saved me."
The room was silent again, Ruby finally laying down. She laid on Sapphire's chest, thinking about how much she loved the shorter girl. There was nothing she wouldn't do for Sapphire.
Sapphire was looking at the ring again, then she put the hand it was on in front of Ruby's face and and wiggled her fingers.
"You know," Sapphire whispered, "this is enough. Don't worry about my past, instead think of the future. We will be married in no time, having children running around our home, and happy, but more importantly, we will be happy together. I'm happy. That all I've ever wanted, and you gave it to me. So don't think about those scars that you, or anyone really, could have prevented because this is all that matters. Us."
And, with that, Ruby hugged Sapphire tightly and they fell asleep again, holding and never letting go.

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