Chapter Ten

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Realizing that she had just replied in the most blunt way as humanly possible, Sapphire swiftly regretted her response. She should have played it off in a cool way, not in a way that made her seem like a desperate and lonely person.
Her phone buzzed quietly next to her.

R:Great! Around what time will you be coming over?

Sapphire couldn't believe she was actually doing this. It wasn't even the aspect that she was going to the house of a person she had only personally met the night before, but it was more of a How-The-Hell-Does-Social-Interaction-Work kind of thing. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't terrified of what she would do, or what she would say, or if she somehow managed to ruin everything by saying or doing something wrong.
After detailed planning and message after message, Sapphire was ready to go over to Ruby's house. They were to meet up at 2:00 and just hang out. Like normal people.

'Oh stars what did I get myself into'

It's been so long since Sapphire had a real friend to hang out with, so she had no idea what they would even do. Should she dress nicely? Casual? Should she bring anything? She had so many questions.
While Sapphire was questioning everything she knew about social interactions, Ruby was furiously cleaning her room, asking herself why she invited a girl who was, in her mind, synonymous with royalty to her messy house. She scrubbed the bathrooms until they glistened, she made sure not a single hair was on the floors, she dusted and vacuumed and sprayed, not missing a single detail. If she was to have Sapphire come over, she was going to make sure she left a good impression. Checking the kitchen to see if she had enough snacks, Ruby caught a glance of the clock on the wall. It was 1:40. Her stomach dropped and she saw how close it was getting to the time Sapphire showed up.
After a last check on the house, Ruby was ready.
Sapphire was on her way, driving down the street and going to the address given to her by the taller girl. She found the house and parked in front of it, getting out of the car and ignoring the grumbling sounds coming from her stomach.
Although she was at a fair weight, Sapphire thought she was much too big for her size. She usually tried to hide any unwanted curves by wearing a thin corset under her dresses, which also were used to hide her thighs. She had tried eating less and less every day, hoping she might be able to lose some weight and fit the "ideal image" that society plugged into her mind. All she's ever wanted to be is to be wanted, whether it be by society or by a single person. This wasn't the way to go at all, but she thought she had no other choice. That wasn't the case.
As she walked up the steps of the front porch of Ruby's house, her mind told her that this was the last chance to get out of this, to not get close to anyone, to conceal her emotions forever. It tried to convince her that she was happier alone, but she knew better.
Sapphire trusted Ruby, regardless of how long she had known her. She had finally found someone who understood her, and she wasn't about to let her fear of emotions keep her from being happy, so she forgot. She let go of her habits and gave up on trying to hide behind a blank gaze and a curtain of bangs. Forgetting everything about the way she chose to portray herself, forgetting about all of the hiding she had to do, she sighed and knocked on the door.

The door almost immediately swung open.

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