Chapter Fifty

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Lapis began to sway back and forth, walking around and flirting with other women and men, intoxicated beyond belief.
"Maybe we should just leave and go somewhere else." Sapphire suggested, which only seemed to make Lapis angry.
"Why don't you jussst FUck off, SAPPHIRE? I'm having a-a great... great..."
She fell onto the floor, Jasper helped her up and yelled at her for getting so drunk off of simple martinis. They argued loudly in front of everyone in the restaurant, making a huge scene. Ruby and Sapphire tried to stop it, but their efforts went unnoticed.
Luckily the fight didn't get physical, but Jasper and Lapis did end the argument by breaking up. Lapis immediately ran to Sapphire, who was now pulling Ruby out of the restaurant and into the car.
"Lapis, just calm down. You're extremely drunk, you just broke up with your girlfriend, and you had a huge fight in front of everyone in that restaurant. Let me drive you to our motel and get you a room for yourself. You need some rest, and some water because you have to sober up." Sapphire spoke in the kindest tone possible, then once Lapis agreed to go with them she got into the car and passed out after a long rant about how Jasper never talks to her seriously and that she thinks she has a crush on another friend of hers. Sapphire mostly tuned her out, but Ruby kept her company, listening to her and carrying on the conversation so Lapis could feel a little better.
Arriving at the motel, Sapphire booked the room next door for Lapis, leading her inside and staying with her to talk to her in private. Ruby just went to their own room and got dressed to go to bed.
"You know she's awful for you, right?" Sapphire asked, her voice still monotonous as ever.
"I know, but I can't help but really like her." Lapis answered, a bit more sober now because of the water she drank in the room.
"Why would you ever like her?"
"Because she's hot and she can be nice at times."
"Lapis, we're talking about Jasper. Jasper is never nice."
"Well she is to me."
"Apparently not after what happened tonight."
Lapis changed the subject.
"You know, that Ruby of yours is pretty great. Mind if we share her?"

"Excuse me?"

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