Chapter Forty

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(Okay so the summary of Ch. 39 for anyone who chose not to read it is that Ruby and Sapphire went to a small place known as Ocean Town, rent a motel room, and, whilst there, were met with homophobic slurs and disapproval of their relationship via the townspeople; specifically a girl and her idiot boyfriend in the restaurant they go to. Sapphire gets into a physical fight with the two, Ruby standing back and contemplating whether or not she's any good for Sapphire because of the things that the girl said about her. They leave the restaurant and go back to the motel room they rented. Then Sapphire says that they shouldn't care about what the townspeople think and that they should live their own lives however they wish. Ruby then shocks Sapphire by declaring that they should get married right then and there.)

The room was quiet, the sounds outside seemed to shut off completely. Sapphire was staring at Ruby, and Ruby was staring at the floor. Did she actually mean it? No, she couldn't possibly. But what if she did? Sapphire wasn't ready for this, but she didn't want to say no. Would this hurt their relationship? If she said no, would they break up? She was too young to marry, yet she felt it was right. No, it's wrong. They're too young and childish. A million thoughts swirled through her mind, each ripping her apart little by little. Ruby was silent for a few seconds, then she raised her chin, as if she were about to say something.
Before anyone could say another word, Sapphire fainted, her mind spinning much too rapidly because of Ruby's proposal. Ruby gasped and ran to her, muttering to herself how saying something like that was such a stupid thing to do. She got a paper and started fanning Sapphire with it, her heart pounding and her body sweating in fear of Sapphire's condition. She fanned and fanned, pouring a bit of water over the girl's forehead and wetting a cold towel, placing it on her and hoping she would get better. After about fifteen minutes, Sapphire woke up, her first sight being Ruby broken down in tears and trying to keep it together as she fanned the shorter girl. Sapphire gasped, slowly sitting up and looking at Ruby.
"W-what happened? Why are you crying? Ruby, is everything alright?" Sapphire asked, waiting for Ruby to speak. She never did. Sapphire crawled to Ruby, hugging her gently and kissing her cheek in the sweetest way possible. Ruby finally spoke.
"I-I thought I killed you, Sapph.. I got so scared, and I wanted you to wake up and for us not to remember what made you faint, and I was so worried about you. I'm sorry for asking to get married, I don't know what came over me, it was a horrible idea, I just-"
Sapphire cut her off with a tighter hug, knocking the wind out of Ruby.
"You know, it isn't such a bad idea..but I don't think we're ready yet. What if this doesn't work out? What if you find someone better? What if our personalities change and we end up hating each other? What I'm trying to say is that we just aren't grown up enough yet to get married. But I promise you that, if we do end up married, we'll have the wedding here in Ocean Town, just to smite the civilians."
Ruby cradled Sapphire in her arms, nodding while she nuzzled her neck. She placed some smooches on it, carefully avoiding the sensitive marks she had left on her the night before. There were no words to describe the love Ruby felt for Sapphire, at this point, but rest assured it was love. And not the kind you see in movies. This was real.
They ended up ordering a pizza and ate inside of the motel room. They watched awful horror movies on cable and joked around for the rest of the night, that is, until they fell asleep. Ruby kissed Sapphire in ways she didn't even know she could, pouring out emotion and love in every single one; and Sapphire kissed back with just as much passion. They cuddled together, falling asleep while holding one another tightly, then loosening their grips as they drifted into the nothingness of sleep.

Both girls fell asleep smiling that night.

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