Chapter Five

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"N-Nothing!!" Sapphire yelled out in a tone that was way too high pitched to not sound somewhat aroused.
The girl simply blushed and walked over to Sapphire.
As Sapphire screamed internally in her head at her disgusting mind for daydreaming about the girl she would never have, she looked up, wordless and scared. She wanted to go home and leave forever. This was her first conversation with another human in months.
"So uh, what's your name?" Said the taller of the two.
"Nice. I'm Ruby"
The air was awkward between the two, silence engulfing them instead of the blaring music coming from inside.
"You new in Beach City?" Ruby spoke.
"No, I've been here all my life. You're the girl at all the parties, right?
"Yep that's me."
"Do you maybe want to...hang out?"
Sapphire hesitated, then nodded.

As they head inside, the smell of liquor and sweat hits them in the face like a backhand slap. They sit on the couch and talk about simple facts about each other, clearly not caring for the dancing and drinking that was going on. Ruby found herself talking for hours with this strange girl, and Sapphire just couldn't stop smiling around her. Sapphire rarely ever smiled.
By their third hour of talking, they began to talk about more serious topics, such as their romantic lives and relationships. While Sapphire had no dating experience whatsoever, Ruby seemed to be a bit of a popular amongst the single ladies community. Although she wasn't a player, she did have a reputation of being a very decent and loving person.
"They just never stick around" was her only comment on the matter.

When they realized it was two in the morning and they were some of the only people still left in the house, they decided to leave.
"This was really fun" Sapphire spoke softly.
Ruby smiled and blushed at the soft tone of the other's voice. Then she took a good long look at her facial features. The soft lips, the flawless hair that was the color of gold, the nut color of her perfect porcelain skin. The lighting was hitting her in just the right position that her eye could be somewhat seen through her bangs. Ruby was awestruck.
"Can I give you my number?" The taller girl asked.
"I really want to hang out with you some more."
Sapphire, surprised and very much excited, quickly typed her contact into Ruby's phone, trying to keep her calm demeanor when she really wanted to freak out. She finally managed to make a friend.

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