Chapter Thirteen

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It was already 8:00 pm by the time Sapphire had broken down and told Ruby everything about her eating habits and the reasons behind them. Both of the girls ended up in tears, Ruby because she hated to see Sapphire like this and Sapphire because it was a lot to let out of her system. After some negotiating, the girls agreed that they should spend the night together. They didn't dare leave the other alone after the events that took place, especially for Sapphire. Leaving her alone with her thoughts might only do more harm, and Ruby didn't want that for her.
"We can't stay here because my mom won't let you." Said Ruby
"We can go to my place. I have my own apartment."
"I'll let my mom know."
Once Ruby got all of her stuff into a bag, they got into Sapphire's car and headed to her apartment. It wasn't that far away, but the drive seemed to drag on for a while. The car was silent. Neither of them spoke for about five minutes. Then Ruby broke the silence.
"I'm sorry about tonight. I didn't mean to make you cry, I just wanted to know about you. I care about you, Sapphire, and I just want to make sure you're alri-"
Ruby stopped talking, confused as to what was going on. Sapphire had pulled into the parking lot of a gas station. Most of the lights were off in the lot, and the lighting was dim. The sky was a purple tone, the stars strewn across the sky like confetti. The ocean waves could be heard from where they were. Sapphire hadn't placed her bangs back in their usual place, so her eyes twinkled in the lighting. She looked at Ruby, eyes full of desire. She leaned closer to Ruby, reaching over the cup holders and placing her hand on the other's much bigger hand. Ruby stared into her eyes, and Sapphire stared into Ruby's. Before they knew it, their lips met, gentle at first, scared of what they might do wrong, them more passionate, lips slowly moving in a delicate dance. Sapphire moved closer, using her free hand to caress Ruby's cheek and pull her deeper into the kiss. Ruby took in as much as she could, pulling Sapphire closer by the waist and holding her as gently as she could. They were practically moving over the cup holders and the parking stick to get to each other. They wanted to feel everything that the other was giving. Every touch, ever emotion, they wanted it. Slowing the kiss down. The girls moved away, slowly, wishing they didn't have to stop. Sapphire was the first to speak.
"That was good....What the hell am I saying? That was amazing, Ruby. It wasn't good or okay, it was incredible."
Ruby chuckled a little.
"You were amazing. I've never been kissed like that. It was nice."
They both talked for a little while, telling each other about the kiss and how they felt about one another, then Sapphire began to drive again, heading to her apartment. As they exited the car and entered the small yet cute apartment, Ruby began to kiss Sapphire gently, hoping to not be too forceful. Sapphire almost immediately melted into the kiss. She closed the apartment door and locked it when Ruby finally released her from the kiss. Once she finished locking it, she found herself back into a passionate kiss, Ruby gripping onto her waist and her own hands wrapped around her partner's neck.

Wait. Were they actually partners?

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