Chapter Fifty-Three

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Sapphire woke up the next morning at 5am, exhausted, yet when she tried to go back to sleep she found herself incapable of doing so. As seconds went by she only felt more awake, so she carefully got out of the bed she shared with Ruby and grabbed her luggage case, pulling out some leggings and a tank top. She got dressed, pulled her hair into a ponytail and put her phone and a room-card in the small pocket on the side of the leggings. Right before she opened the door she looked at Ruby, still asleep and adorable as ever.
She stepped outside, closing the door quietly behind her and began to run. She ran without a purpose, sweating away all of her anxieties and worries, not turning back even once. Sapphire finally stopped running once she was about half a mile away (.805 kilometers). From where she was, the motel was no longer visible.
Panting, her mind now clear, she began to run back. Her thoughts were gone, doubts disappearing, and the only image she had in her head was Ruby, sitting on Sour Cream's couch and talking to her for hours, laughing as if nothing in the world ever mattered besides that one moment.
Sapphire finally got back to the motel, opened the door of her room and walked inside. By now the sun was rising, and she had woken up Ruby.
From Ruby's perspective, Sapphire had walked in at the most perfect moment, the light glistening off of her in the most incredible way. Her hair looked like rose-gold in the pink lighting, her sweat shimmering as if it were glitter, and her eyes, still blue and delicate, looked just a little bit like soft lilac petals.
Ruby looked just as stunning, the lighting around her being more on the yellow side. Her eyes were the most noticeable, a honey-like highlight replacing the usual brown. Her curls looked as if they were auburn with just a touch of the same golden shine as Sapphire's hair.
Sapphire smiled, saying good morning to the taller girl and closing the door behind her. She got into the shower and, once she was all dry and out of her running clothes, got back into her silk nightgown and cuddled up with Ruby in bed.
"Where'd you go?" Ruby whispered softly, not daring to break the peaceful quiet of the room.
"Just running." Sapphire replied, then she continued. "Ruby, why did you spend the night with me at Sour Cream's party instead of going to hang out with someone else?"
Ruby shrugged, pulling the shorter girl closer.
"No idea, I guess I was just drawn to you. I think it was that church-outfit you wore. It definitely made you look irresistibly sexy." She spoke in a sarcastic tone, making Sapphire giggle and blush.
"That really was a bad wardrobe choice, huh?"
"Oh yeah, Sapph."
"No, but honestly what made you"
There was a pause, then Ruby went on.
"I think it was a mix of me being curious and that outfit that pulled me towards you. Sapphire, there was something there that night, and I can't tell you what it was because I don't understand it, but it was like we were meant to be there, at that moment, together."
Sapphire grinned, nuzzling Ruby's neck and kissing it softly.
"Why did you stick around with me?" Asked Ruby.
"Because I knew you'd be worth it. Ru, the night we met I drove home hating you and everything about you because you were so perfect, and you still are, but it scared me. I hadn't ever met someone who wanted me around, and when you sent that message asking me to hang out the next day I swear I could have fainted. I was alone, and you gave me the company that I needed so desperately. We just...clicked, then it went on from there to now, and I'm glad I've stayed, because I love you, more than you could ever know, and I don't ever want to lose that feeling."
Ruby was silently weeping, Sapphire not noticing until a teardrop fell onto her forehead. She wiped away the tears carefully, then Ruby pulled her so that they were both sitting up. Then they kissed, but unlike any other kiss they had before. This one lasted almost half an hour, never changing to anything more than delicate and loving. Finally, Ruby pulled away and looked at her Sapphire, who was getting emotional and teary-eyed. She kissed the tears away and held her close, listening carefully to the shorter girl's breathing. She broke the silence in the room, whispering in her ear.

"I love you."

And she got a response.

"I love you, too."

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