Chapter Eight

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The night had gone by quickly for Ruby. After meeting an amazing girl and being yelled at for talking to her for so long, she began to contemplate whether she was actually awake. This girl had her in somewhat of a trance. All Ruby could think about was her
"Stop being so gay." she whispered to herself "You've barely met her."

About an hour after her mother left her room, giving up on a "lost case" like Ruby, she sent a message to Sapphire, even though it was almost three in the morning. Once she realized that the shorter of the two might be sleeping, she immediately regretted sending it. She hoped she didn't wake her. She got a reply. By the time she read the message sent to her, her phone battery died. She sat in her bed, staring in horror at the black screen of her crappy phone. Of all times, why now? Why did this always happen to her?
Once she stopped questioning her life and existence she went to get her phone charger. Then she remembered she left it at Sour Cream's house because she lent it to a friend.
"Great! This is just perfect.."
Regretting her choice of lending Amethyst her phone charger, she angrily laid in bed, incapable of sleeping at such a devastating time. All she could think about was that girl. Nothing else was on her mind. Ruby just laid there, wishing she could talk to her, even if she was most likely asleep at this time. She spent so much time talking to her, yet she felt as if she knew nothing about her. She got her name and interests, but what school did she go to? Was she in the same college as Ruby? There were so many questions she still had to ask.
The rest of the night was nothing but tossing and turning, wondering and hoping that Sapphire (oh stars how she loved that name) was at least a bit interested in her, whether it be to stay friends or more.
Ruby stopped herself at that point. She had to remind herself that she had barely met the girl and to not get her hopes up.
"You always do this." Ruby wiped away some angry tears from her eyes. It was common for her to catch feelings very early when she met someone whom she was interested in, but it had never been this early. She always waited at least a few months before she felt something, but this was different. This feeling was foreign to her.
So she waited. And waited. And waited, until she gave in and got out of bed, got into her normal clothes, and got in her car.
Ruby drove directly to Sour Cream's house, not having much of a problem getting in because everyone there was stupidly drunk and trying to clean up the mess left by the partygoers.
She walked to the room she last saw Amethyst in, opened the door, and found her friend sitting on the floor, phone charging, and playing Angry Birds. After finishing a round, Amethyst looked up at Ruby, somewhat surprised to see her.
"Yo, Ruby! Where ya been? And, more importantly, where's your new girl~?" She let out a chuckle after she spoke.
Ruby blushed and got closer to her.
" I need my charger back, Ame. There's someone I need to text back."
"Fine, fine, Ms. I'm-Extremely-Worried-About-My-New-Girlfriend."
"Amethyst, please."
With little to no effort, Amethyst unplugged the cord and handed it to Ruby. After a few Thank-Yous and some small talk, they were both on their ways home, Amethyst not needing a ride because she had no alcohol, literally only showing up because Sour Cream had great Wi-Fi. Before they left, she nudged Ruby and grinned at her.
"Next time don't ditch me for a hot girl, Ru. At least find one that has a cute friend." Amethyst stuck out her tongue.
"Whatever, dude." Ruby giggled. She had never had a friend as relaxed and as silly as Amethyst. Even though she did have some emotional problems, she was still a great person, and she knew how to make anyone feel better in a matter of seconds.
"Night, nerd!" Shouted Amethyst as she got into her car.
As Ruby got into her blue pickup truck, she connected the charger to a car-outlet for her phone to start up again. It took a while, but she finally got it to turn on and get to 1%. After plugging it in, she headed back home. Now back in her house, she sighed and waited for it to fully charge and go back to the normal home screen. It didn't change screens for about three hours (she had a really crappy phone). Ruby fell asleep while waiting.
About half an hour of sleep later, Ruby woke up and immediately swiped the screen, looking for the message she received last night. Once she finished rereading her conversation to make sure she didn't somehow say something stupid, she started to create a new message. She sat in complete silence, wondering what she would even ask.
Then it hit her.

R: Do you maybe want to hang out again today?

Plain, but still effective.

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