Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sapphire woke up in her bed, alone and cold from the lack of body heat in the blankets. She looked around her room. Everything was in place, as it always had been. She contemplated whether what happened last night was a dream or reality. Maybe that would explain why she spoke to her family in the way she did. No, that couldn't be it. There was no way it was all a dream.
Looking around for her phone, Sapphire noticed that she was completely naked. She noticed some marks around her thighs and stomach area, some even on her chest. Were they bruises? How'd she get them there? She ignored them for now, finding her phone and calling Ruby. She was startled to hear a buzzing sound from the floor. Ruby's phone. Suddenly it was all coming back to her.
As she put together the pieces of what she did with her girlfriend, Ruby walked into the room, wearing nothing but her bra and panties. She looked at Sapphire, blushing lightly, meanwhile Sapphire's face was as red as a beet. She remembered now.
Sapphire gasped softly as Ruby's kisses lowered from her neck to her collarbone, hands gripping onto the taller girl's shoulders, fingernails digging into her skin. Ruby had gone lower with her kisses, but never this low. The shorter girl shivered a bit, enjoying the feeling of whatever you called this. Ruby looked up at Sapphire, not uttering a single word, yet somehow Sapphire knew what she was asking for.
"Morning." Ruby said as she laid down next to the shorter girl. She turned to face her, curls messier than usual hiding the outside of her cheek. Sapphire's breath hitched, not used to seeing Ruby this...real.
"Good morning. Mind explaining all of these?" Sapphire responded, pointing at her marked up collar bone. Ruby snickered, kissing Sapphire's forehead through her bangs. Even in bed they were always perfect.
"Sorry Sapph, I guess I left some marks."
Sapphire, unwittingly, pulled the covers off of herself to show Ruby the dozens of other marks on her. She had forgotten she was naked. By the time she realized what she had done, Ruby's face was already wide-eyed and red.
Sapphire giggled and spoke softly.
"I wouldn't call these 'some'."
Both girls sat up, Ruby on the couch and Sapphire straddling her. Their hair was in a mess from the pulling, wild and slightly tangled. Clothes were loose on their bodies, buttons undone and straps barely holding on.
In what Sapphire could only describe as a blur, Ruby picked her up and took her into her bedroom, carefully placing her down and taking off her shirt. Sapphire stared in awe and admiration at Ruby's toned muscles. All she could think was:

"You know," Sapphire begun, "you'd be surprised at how blunt I can be sometimes."
"Oh I know, Sapphire. If anything, last night only solidified that for me."
Sapphire chuckled.
"And how is that?"
"Well, you say what you need to say when you need to say it. This goes for the whole family thing and the, uhm, well, you know.."
Both girls laughed and kissed quickly. Sapphire thought about everything she had done the night before. She thought about how she told off her family, and how she finally stood up for herself. Then she thought about the later events of that night. She was in fact pretty blunt with what she wanted from Ruby, but Ruby wasn't as forward with it. She seemed a bit shy, which astonished Sapphire at how such a confident person was so reserved, especially at such an intensely passionate time. She found it to be quite cute.
They talked throughout the entire thing, neither moving too fast for the other. This was especially true with Ruby, who chose to not do anything unless she asked first. Sapphire loved her for this, but it was when she told Ruby to, and I quote, "do whatever the hell you want to me" that things finally loosened up. Kisses got sloppier, teeth clicked, hands roamed, toes curled, and backs arched all throughout this time, but thy made sure to be as delicate and as loving as possible. Neither girl wanted the other to think she was taking advantage, so they showed the upmost amount of respect and love to one another. And they loved it.

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