Chapter Fifty-Two

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Ruby wondered if she had chosen the right girl. Of course she had full trust in Sapphire, and she loved her in a way she had never loved before, but there was always something in her mind telling her to get away, to run before the shorter girl hurt her.

Ruby had been hurt before, and it wasn't just the regular pains in a break-up. She fell in love with a certain girl, and that girl was a taker. She took and took, leaving Ruby with almost nothing, and in the end she shattered her heart into a million pieces. Ruby needed a giver, someone who could give her as much love as she needed, and even more. That's where Sapphire came in.
Sapphire was unlike anyone Ruby had ever met. She was shy, scared, and she just overall hated herself with a burning passion. Ruby never understood why she was like this, and that curiosity only drew her closer to the girl. She helped Sapphire love herself, and that in turn made Ruby fall in love.

But was this the right choice?

Sapphire has several issues, most of them concerning how she feels about herself. Ruby is willing to help, but she still needs someone who can love her and treat her the way she deserves to be treated.

Ruby thought long and hard about this, remembering every time Sapphire stood up for her when someone hurt her, or called her by a slur, or treated her like she was less than human. She thought about all of the things Sapphire had given her, physical and emotional needs being taken care of, not leaving out a single thing that Ruby might need. Sapphire loved her, and Ruby loved her in return. Ruby gave her everything, and Sapphire gave back just as much as she did.
Ruby was still awake, thinking about these things while Sapphire was deep asleep. She looked at the soft features of the shorter girl, taking everything in. Her eyes moved to look at her lips; the same lips that kissed her with enough passion and love that it could be felt in the very air surrounding them when they did so. She looked at her arms; the same arms that were covered in scars that she could feel on the back of her neck when they were around her. She looked at her oh-so-tiny hands, Ruby's only weakness, and how every touch she gave her was electrifying, yet cold enough to send chills down her ever-warm skin. Then she looked at the ring she gave her. It was simple, yet beautiful, just like the wearer. Ruby sighed happily, coming to a conclusion on the matter of whether or not she should run away or stay with her Laughy Sapphy forever.

'I made the right choice.'

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