Chapter Thirty-One

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Ruby chased after Sapphire after Emerald kissed her, yelling and pleading for Sapphire to stop walking away. She was small, but damn how that girl was fast.
"Sapphire, please!" Ruby begged.
"Please what?" Sapphire snapped at Ruby, unaware at how loud and harsh her tone was.
"That wasn't what you think it was."
"Okay, then what the fuck was that? Was it you just being friendly as always? Huh? Just Ruby being close buds with Emerald? Don't think I haven't noticed how she looks at you."
"She's practically in love with you! No one can miss it."
Ruby stood there, silent and unknowing of what to say to Sapphire. She really didn't know that Emerald felt that way. Up until now she thought it was mostly alcohol-talk and not at all a confession.
"Do you think I'm an idiot, Ruby?" Sapphire asked, voice shaking the same way her hands were. "I've seen how she looks at you, and I've heard the way you talk to her. She isn't just somehow falling for you, she's being led on. You talk to her in a flirty way, always making sure to add in compliment after compliment, and you never talk like that. Not to me, not to family, not to anyone but her."
Ruby was silent.
"At least say something! Anything!" Sapphire shouted out, watching as Emerald walked towards them.
Emerald smirked and walked to Sapphire, who found herself incapable of moving at this time. She whispered to her.
"Honey, she's mine, not yours."
Sapphire looked at her, glaring into her eyes. Two perfect eyes. Flawless skin. Full lips. Gorgeous hair. Then she realized that Emerald was just a better version of herself, facial structure and body shape almost the same.
Sapphire felt weak. She felt as small as a mouse compared to the better version of herself that she was staring at. She looked at Ruby.
Ruby was still, silent and unwilling to utter a sound.
"Fuck you." Sapphire hissed at Emerald. "Fuck you and whatever the hell you think you are. You aren't shit." She continued to tremble. Then she looked at Ruby. "And screw you, too! You convinced me someone actually gave a shit about me, you've used me, and you gave me false hope of something I knew wasn't real. I knew there was no fucking way anyone in their right mind would want to be anywhere around me. I should have listened to my brain and not my dumbass heart."
Ruby finally spoke, her voice sounding of pure desperation.
"Sapphire, no I-"
"You what?" Sapphire muttered, too shaky to speak normally anymore. Emerald was staring her down, there was a small crowd at the door watching this all go down. She felt embarrassed for causing such a scene.
"I love you."
Sapphire opened her mouth to say something, but she was stopped by a fist punching her in the cheek. Everything went from white to black to back-to-normal. She found herself sitting on the grass of the front yard, holding her cheek and staring up at Emerald and Ruby, Ruby starting to walk towards Sapphire. Before she could reach her, the shorter girl got up and ran to her car, getting in and driving to her apartment. She locked herself in, shut the door of her room, and cried for hours. Ruby followed soon after, knocking on the door for hours. She had ran almost half of the town to get to Sapphire's apartment. It wasn't until around 3 am that Sapphire finally opened the door and let Ruby inside, breaking and letting her in after hearing Ruby cry softly at the foot of her door for so long. She stared at her, eye still full of tears.
"Okay." She began, "talk to me."

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